12. Seeing the truth

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Lola's p.o.v:

I woke up to what was becoming an all to familiar feeling, Jacks warmth as he held me in his arms. I stayed there in his warmth until he woke up not to long after "morning" his voice was raspy but in that kinda charming way "morning, ugh many did I have last night" I placed my hand on my head and he chuckled "not as much as Abbie, she's going to be feeling it" he is right she is definitely not going to be feeling well today.

I decided on taking a shower to try and wash away the pain of the hangover "Lola!" Jack shouted my name from downstairs as I dried my hair with my towel "the guys are coming for breakfast in half an hour!" I shouted an ok before falling onto my bed, why did they chose my house and why today.   

"Hiya" the boys gave me a questionable look and I looked back confused;

Did I take my mascara off or do I it have running down my cheeks?

I soon realised I was wearing Jacks hoodie sporting his gyms logo "mind out the gutter" I said to them as I sat down "got it from your dad Dan, he really knows his stuff" I winked at Dan and he choked on his orange juice "Lola loves an older man" Jess joked and poor Dan looked traumatised "please can we change the topic from my father having sex" Jake laughed as Jack served up some pancakes. 

He had a whole selection of toppings on the island ready, he can cook good too? 10 more points added to the 'what makes him a great boyfriend' chart. 

10? Generous of me I know.

"Lola, what did Tracey even want to fight you for" Billie asked "she's just a bitch, got her wires crossed" I saw Jack look at me "accurate, I've heard she's not even that good anyway" Dan said eating his syrup COVERED pancakes "heard or know?" Jack teased and we all laughed "you can't say anything" Dan said and Jack shrugged his shoulders.

Why do I feel Jealous?

Everyone went home around 2pm and Jack stayed a bit longer, he didn't ask he just laid on the couch as everyone else vanished. We did the washing up but it took awhile because we may of ended up having a small water fight.

Yeah I cringed too.

 "Looking good as usual" Jack said as I came down in some gym leggings and a baggy tee, I just laughed and shook my head "I've got no make up on and look like I have been hit by a bus" I said grabbing a drink "don't be silly, you're beautiful" he said and I smiled "fancy a walk for a coffee, I need some air?" he nodded in agreement and put his trainers on.

We went to a little coffee shop I found one Sunday when I took my laptop to pretend like it was helping me type 100 words every five hours, as you do. We took a walk through the park home and by the time we made it home I had stolen Jacks zip-up hoodie, well he kindly gifted to me after I moaned for the sixth time I was cold.

We watched some new psycho-thriller film, now they don't usual bother me that much but by the end I realised Jack had his arm round me and I had been burying my head in Jacks shoulder, with one arm round him "sorry I didn't realize" I went to pull away but he gently pulled me back closer "no need to apologise" I could smell his aftershave and it gave me nothing but comfort. 

"Why is Tracey such a bi...just rude girl?" I asked sitting up "Just wondering why she said what she said" I said changing the channel "what did she say?" he asked "that I have to stay away from you because your hers" I said and he rolled his eyes "I hate her, I am not hers, she pretends like we are married" he said taking a sigh "why'd you fight though?" he added "she pulled my hair but I just lost it when she called me a... actually don't worry" he just stared at me with a look that said 'finish that sentence'. I crossed my legs and pulled the sleeves of his hoodie down "in short, she called me fat pretty much" I said "she called you fucking what" he snapped "Jack calm down like I already told you it's nothing, nothing I've not heard before" I mumbled and he moved over "Lola Grace Pearce you're beautiful in every way possible and I will say that ten times a day, every day, until the day you believe me" he said cupping my face, I tried to keep the tears back but once one ran down my check, it was game over, he pulled me closer as I felt him place a light kiss on my head. 

Why can he break my guard down so easily? I NEVER cry to anyone. 

Jacks p.o.v:

I would like to say I can't believe the things Tracey said that but it doesn't shock me, she's  jealous, and she's got some weird obsession with me. 

Feeling is NOT mutual. I can't believe I ever got with her, talk about mistakes. Very drunk ones. 

The thought of the things Tracey saying causing Lola pain and remembering other nasty things people have said to her sent a dropping feeling to my stomach. 

I just want her to be happy, see that it is all jealousy and that she isn't weak, she's incredibly strong and more than she knows.

"You're actually not awful" I said as she was playing on the PS4 "grew up with two brothers" she said sarcastically and I smirked. I looked over to her wrist, she pulled her sleeve slightly up and it's always been on my mind why she always wears the same bracelets and watches everyday, and I have never seen her move them not even at night, something about it feels wrong. 

"Game of pool?" she asked and I smiled "bet you $60 I win three games" I said she agreed, she took her watch off and placed it on the side. 

I won one but she schooled me on the second and third. I pulled out my wallet and she was smiling at me "I let you win" I lied and she raised her brows "doubting my ball handling skills?" she knew what she was doing to me "I can only imagine how good they are" I winked at her but as she reached over to get take the money; her watch was on the side and her bracelets were up her arm. I saw it, I saw what she was covering up all this time. 

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed, vote and comment if you liked it! xxx

The English New Girl And The American Bad boy(Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang