31. Confirmed & Kidnapped

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Lola's p.o.v:

I saw Ty was awake so I knocked on his door and walked in to see him & Ella watching a film and cuddled up "hey Lola you look amazing" Ella said "thank you Ella, night guys" I said "night" they replied.

I walked in and Jack was in his boxers, I wolf whistled and he smirked "like what you see?" he put his phone down "maybe" I said giving him a wink and then going into the bathroom, I found a pregnancy test that I had brought a while back just in case. I waited for what felt like the longest 2 minutes of my life and finally looked at it, yeah I'm having a baby, me and Jack are having a baby.

I crawled on top of Jack and smashed my lips against his, "It's confirmed I'm pregnant" I said and he smiled from ear to ear "I can't wait" he said and kissed me.

We were disturbed by Jacks phone rang "sorry" he answered the phone "Dex what?... Where...now...ok I'm at Lola's come get me...see you in a bit" he hung up "sorry I gotta go" he grabbed his clothes and changed "is everything alright?" I asked "uh yeah just some stuff with the gang, sorry I'll make it up to you" he replied giving me a kiss "ok bye I love you" I said "love you too, be careful" he said and left, be careful?

I got into bed after a long day and just looked at my stomach and it hit me that I'm having a kid with Jack, I mean don't get me wrong I can't wait but we are only kids ourselves and its gonna be tough but I think we can do this together. 

Jacks p.o.v:

I felt bad for leaving her but I needed to get to the warehouse as it was urgent. "Everything ok?" I asked getting in Dex's car "no it's THC" he bluntly sapped "sorry" he added "it ok so whats been happening?" I asked.

"Hurry it up you two!" Boss shouted "sorry Boss" we sat down "right well we are here because THC are on our case, We need a plan to take down Mark White and his gang, any ideas?" Boss said " his daughter Stacey" I said, remember Stacey White the bitch who sent that bullshit to Lola "well if you plan to fuck her then kill her or her dad then no" he said "no I'm just saying the easiest way to him is his daughter" I replied and he nodded "ok then any ideas?" Boss asked. Derek made a suggestion, he's an older but a good member, I'm probably closer to him than my real dad if I'm honest. 

"Why are they on our backs?" Derek asked "well its because business got mixed up a few years ago but Jack you need to know" I snapped out of a daydream at the sound of my name "what?" I asked "Jack they want Lola" I shot up "what why?" I said and filled with anger, if they hurt her I swear down I will kill each and every one of them with my bare hands "calm down Jack and I'm not sure but did she do anything before she meet you maybe back in England?" he questioned "she did deals and worked with gangs but wasn't in one from what I know" Mia said "what?" I asked, why didn't she tell me? "didn't you know?" Boss asked and I shook my head and my phone went off I looked to see it was Lola;

"hi Lo..." I was cut off "this isn't Lola" some guy said "Franklin?" I clenched my jaw at the sound his voice "oh you got me but I got Lola" I pictured the smirk of his face "Let her go" I shouted and heard Lola shouting "Franklin I mean it let her go" I shouted and he chuckled "come find us...shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!"I heard what sounded like a punch "Franklin..." I was cut off by him hanging up.

"Jack what's happened?" Lee asked "they got her I gotta go" I was stopped from leaving my Derek "not alone" he said "I need to help her" I redistricted myself from punching him to get him off me "get the weapons and Lee start tracking her, everyone go you know what you need to do" he explained to everyone what to do and everyone got to work.

"Here bro" Parker said passing me my gun and knife, basically the idea in the hospital was to have Parker join if he wanted and he said yes so he joined, he has a some experience anyway, "thanks" I mumbled, all I could think about was Lola and the baby,"it will be ok" he placed his hand on my shoulder "I need them both Park I can't cope without them" I said with worry in my voice "both of them?" he raised his eyebrow "she's pregnant Park" I muttered and he hugged me "their gonna be fine, we're gonna find her" he reassured me, having my older brother there was slightly a comfort because we always have each others back and would die for each other. 

Lee was working out where she was and it was about an hour later, I just cant wait any longer "Lee?" I said and he waited a minute "got her! At an old factory at least 6 hours away any idea?" He said "I know!" Jason said "right go go go!" Boss said and we all rushed out but boss stopped me and grabbed my shoulders "you be careful and get her out ok? She's gonna be ok Jack" he said "I hope so and she's... pregnant" I said thinking about them "more reason to go save them you can do this!" He said and I ran out and got in a van.

"Right everyone know the plan?" Derek said and we all shouted yes "ok now don't let boss or Jack down" he said giving me a smile and I forced a small smile, it was me, Lee, Dean, Jake, Dex, Derek and a few others in a van then another one following us and Marco with his equipment and a few others in another van.


I was woke up and had a weird feeling someone was watching me, just as I went to get up I saw a figure coming towards me, he covered my mouth, he dragged me out my window and chucked me into a black van parked outside, he tied my hands and feet then knocked me out. 

I woke up slowly with my head pounding and he was on the phone. He punched me then said something to whoever was on the phone, I'm guessing it was Jack but Franklins cocky tone and threats. After he hung up he injected me with something which caused me to go drowsy, where he was going he didn't want me to figure it out. 

I woke up tied to a post "alright Lola?" I heard a familiar voice "James?" I croaked out  "well I'm in this gang and Mark well he's my girlfriends dad" he said "You work with them? Why me?" I asked "Lola you being the bitch you are you fucked the suppliers around back in London" he spat out "what? No I fucking didn't" I protested, ok I was lying, I know what I did and I may have fucked a few people around "shut up" he hissed and went to walk out "he's never gonna find you Lola" he slammed the door and I was left alone in a dark, damp, freezing room in the middle of no were.

I started to tear up, what if he doesn't come? What if he does but he gets hurt or killed? I can't be without him, I can't raise a baby on my own.

2 days later:

James takes care of me meaning he gives me the tiniest amount of food and water possible and beats every now and then, I can't believe I dated out with this dickhead, that was all part of the plan as well so he told me

"I'm here" James said giving me some food, I hadn't eaten basically anything for 2 days "got a visitor for you" he smirked as a girl walked in, Stacey, her and James made out in front of my face and I rolled my eyes "jealous?" she asked with a smirk "nah I got Jack" I said and saw James clench his jaw, theres no way he is over me.

Thanks for reading and hope u enjoyed, vote and comment if you want! xxx                                     

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