37. Surprise Party

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Hi guys im SO SORRY for a later update but i just have some stuff going on so yeah :( but no more late updates!

Lola's p.o.v:

We got to a club where the party is and the gang knows the owner so it was pretty easy. Jack opened the door for me and I got out "you dont need to do that you know" I said as he closed the door "just being a good boyfriend" he said and I giggled and then he put his hands on my waist "you look beautiful by the way baby" he said and kissed my neck "thank you not to bad yourself" I said and kissed him.

We got in and Jack helped finish off some things while I talked to some of the girlfriends of the guys, I know some of them but some change so much i forget. People started arriving then Dexter made the announcement "right everyone hes coming remember the plan!" and we all moved to the edge and someone cut the lights.

"SURPRISE" We all shouted as Derek and his family walked in and he was shocked but happy "Thank you so much" he said then the party began!

"Whose idea was this!" Derek said over the music and we all looked at Dexter "Dex it was your idea?" Derek said "yeah but everyone helped" he said then Derek hugged him. Derek is like the father to the gang and they all respect him and look up to him.

"Alright babe?" I said as Jack looked at his phone "yeah all good do you want another drink?" He asked "yeah thanks" I said and he walked to the bar but I'm sure that theres something "wanna dance?" Jess, Deans girlfriend asked "yeah why not" I said and we walked over to the dancefloor and the song 'lips are moving' came on and we started dancing, I can tell tonight's gonna be a fun night.

Jacks p.o.v:

I ordered the drinks and then walked over to Lola and gave her a drink "thanks, you sure your alright?" She asked "yeah Im ok why?" I asked, lying "no reason" she said and i smashed her lips against mine. "can i have my dancing partner back?" Jess asked and we laughed "yeah go on take my girlfriend away" I said then my phone rang "see you in a sec" i said and pecked Lolas lips then went outside to talk on the phone.


Jack listen to me I want that money and I want it now!

Who the fuck is this?

Never you mind just yet just get me my money!

What money?

The money that your boss owes to me!

Wait what?

Just get the money or else say bye to that pretty little pregnant girlfriend of yours!

If you go anywhere near them you'll regret it

Goodbye Jack

He hung up the phone and I put my hand in my hands, who is this? What money? Why hasn't boss told us? What if he gets Lola? I had all these questions going around my head when someone put a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Derek "what is it son?" He asked, he always calls us son, "nothing dont worry" I lied "Jack I've known you since you were born I know when your lying" I looked up at him and sighed.

"I got a call from someone saying Boss owes money and threatened Lola ad the baby" I got so angry and I swear I was gonna punch something "Jack listen calm down and go back in there and we will deal with this later ok?" I look at him but nodded "ok now want a drink?" He asked "on me" I said and we went in.

I was waiting at the bar when Lola sat on the stool I was standing by "is everything alright babe?" She asked and gave me a peck on the lips "yeah all good just work stuff" I said and paid for drinks "thanks next round on me!" Lola said "I always pay for ma girl" I said and she smiled and I kissed her.

Antonio and his family arrived about 30 minutes later and we were all dancing and singing and just messed around and it felt like old times again. The lights were cut and they brought the cake out and we all sung happy birthday and had some cake which was just AMAZING!

We were dancing when the music was stopped at I looked up and saw a bunch of very unfamiliar guys about 10 of them, "Jack?" Someone said and his voice was familiar "what?" I said and walked abit closer "spoke to you on the phone earlier?" He said and I clenched my jaw "yeah what do you want?" I asked "to talk" He said and I nodded "Jack wait their dangerous" Antonio said "but i gotta do what i gotta do" I said and followed looking back at Lola who was a bit worried and Boss was following me "no Antonio you stay here" they said "dont do anything!" Boss said and I followed them.

Lolas p.o.v:

"Antonio who are they?" I asked as he walked over "dangerous people" he said "what do they want with him?" Dexter asked "I know what they want with me but not with Jack" He said "earlier Jack was outside and got a phone call threatening Jack saying they where gonna hurt the baby and Lola" Derek said and I held back tears "is he gonna be ok?" I asked and there was a silence "its Jack he will be fine" Mark said and I hoped he was ok.

Jack walked back in with a cut lip and a bloody nose but no one else walked in "Jack are you ok?" I asked as he walked back over "yeah im fine" he said checking his nose which was still bleeding "What did they say?" Antonio asked and Adam sorted Jack out "thanks, They said that you owe the money and you have to pay it or well you know" Jack said "fuck did they say if the price has changed?" Antonio asked "Yeah an extra $5000" Jack said "what if i dont pay?" He asked and Jack just looked at him "yeah I cant let that happen, we need to make a plan" Antonio said "lets do it now" Derek said "its your party no how long?" "umm 5 days" Jack said "what about tomorrow?" Dexter said "sounds good now lets just carry on" Jack said and the music came back on.

"Lola can I speak to you" Jack asked, I nodded and we walked outside "fuck its freezing" I mumbled as we went out, should of got my jacket "here" Jack said putting his around me "thank you" I said "Lola look im sorry for everything thats ever happened to you I never should of got you involved in any of this" Jack said and I felt my eyes get watery and Jack put his hands on my waist "why are you saying this Jack?" I asked "Because I've hurt alot of people but Lola everything thats ever happened to you is all because im in all of this shit with all these people and I dont want you hurt this time baby" He said and a tear ran down my cheek "Jack listen I dont care im ok, we're both are ok, I love you for being who you are and nothings gonna change the way I feel about you" I said and he wiped the tears away "Baby I love you both so much, you both mean the world to me and your not gonna be hurt this time I promise" He said and hugged me and we looked at eachother and he kissed me.

After some hugging and kissing me and Jack went back in and it was abit different but everyone carried on having fun and having a good time. We decided to call it a night at about 2am so we said bye to everyone and me and the lads girlfriends that i met all exchanged numbers.

We got home and went upstairs and I chucked my bag down and kicked my shoes off and got changed into a blue and black chequed nightshirt and put my hair in a messy bun and took my makeup off. I saw Jack lying in bed texting and I put my phone on charge and got into bed "alright babe?" Jack asked "yeah" I said "im sorry bout what happened babe" Jack said and I turned so we were face to face "its ok i love you" I said and he smiled "I love you too baby, your family home?" he asked I rolled my eyes "no why?" I said and he smirked and kissed me then started to unbutton my shirt...

Hi guys im SO SORRY for a later update but i just have some stuff going on so yeah :(

Thanks for reading and hope u enjoyed, soz if the chapters are long but i tend to not stop writing and soz if there short xxxxxxxxx vote and comment plz xxxxxxxxx Let me know if you got any ideas in the comments! xxxxxxxxx

This book will be finished very soon :(
but there defo is a short sequel! xxxxxxxxx

The English New Girl And The American Bad boy(Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu