17. Finally

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Lola's p.o.v:

Jack pulled me closer and I kissed back, the kiss was passionate and sent sparks through my body, he bit my lip asking for entrance which I allowed. We pulled away when we were both breathless and he leaned his forehead against mine "I've wanted to do that for so long you have no idea" he whispered "I think I might have an idea" I answered before he kissed me again. 

I was lying with my head on his lap on the blanket as he ran his fingers through my hair 'Lola?" I hummed in response feeling my eyes going heavy "you look gorgeous tonight" he whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead, I gave a small smile but I stayed quiet just thinking of this whole situation, it feels so perfect my head cannot work out if I am dreaming. "What are you thinking about Lo?" Jack snapped me out of my daze and I sat up, Jack gently moved my chin with his hand "speak to me, I am here to listen Lola" I saw a plead in his eyes and I swallowed the lump in my throat "I am just thinking...I do that a lot, constantly actually" I sighed before I carried on"I think about everything, every outcome even the unlikely ones, I think about every possible reason to explain anything. But most of the time I have no answers and I feel like it sends me crazy if I am honest" Jack placed his hand on the back of my neck pulling us closer "we all overthink, but Lola I know that this mindset is not healthy for you, you don't owe  yourself a reason for everything" I gave a small smile before lightly pecking his lips and mumbling a thank you. 

On the drive home from the beach we drove in a comfortable silence and he held his hand over mine on my thigh. 

Why can my mind not just relax for one day, I am trying to enjoy myself...no I am having an amazing time but I can feel my own negative thoughts ripping through me. 

"Lola, can I talk to you?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed as I comb my hair, "I am always here for you" he placed him hand on my leg and I smiled as he kissed my hand "I know Jack and please do not think I felt nothing today, it was really an amazing day. It has been a great few days, I am grateful for you making that time for me" he smiled ear to ear "you only deserve the best. I know I said that I like you Lola..." he shuffled so we were face to face "but I've really fallen for you" I smiled as he whispered in my ear

Should I say it back? I should stay guarded, keep my heart in my sleeve not on it, right?

 "I've fallen for you too Jack" Oh never mind, my mouth went before my brain had time to rationalise. 

That night we talk until 3am, I do not know what about but he makes me feel this comfort I have never felt before. He makes me feel warm and safe. 

I was making breakfast when Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my neck, placing gentle kisses "morning babe" he whispered in my ear "morning" I smiled and served him a full english, he was nothing but in his words, happy 'to bag a British girl'. 

"Lo, I have to go and meet the guys about something, be ready in twenty you are coming to" I placed my mug on the counter and raised my eyebrow "don't you have some secret code about letting random girls in on your business?" he smirked at me "you are with me now, you are coming to meet them. Plus, I trust myself to trust you" I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks before I went to get changed. I opted for minimal makeup with a grey tracksuit, well Jacks hoodie to be precise. 

 "Thanks for coming at such short notice guys but we've got trouble with the same guy, he's getting more threatening, he is going under a name of Josh Hayes espically on social media and he is trying to take advantage of our girls so be careful, please" I checked my phone as Ant (Jacks boss) spoke 

I am sure that was the guy who has been harassing me online for a few days. I thought he was just a little weird troll or something. 

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