15. Mine

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Lola's p.o.v:

I felt his breath fan my lips and the silence surrounding us meant all I could hear was our breathing and I could feel my heart beating faster than what I think is healthy. His eyes locked onto mine and for what like an eternity our eyes never left each others, until Jack moved his head into my neck and started placing small kisses from my collarbone to my neck.

I felt a jolt of electricity each time he placed a kiss on me, I didn't want him to stop at all and I was ready to be at his mercy; but something in my head was telling me that if I let anything more happen it would ruin what we have.

I am scared of losing him, terrified in fact. I cannot see my life without Jack.

"Jack" I mumbled his name and he hummed in response but he kept his head nuzzled in my neck "we can't do this" I slowly pushed his shoulders and he was quick to move his gaze back to me "you drive me crazy Lola" he went to kiss me but I moved my head to the side "Jack, we can't" I soon felt the cold air as he lifted his weight from me. He stood up from the bed "sorry, I let my urges take over" he cleared his throat and I gave a small smile "don't worry, never said I didn't enjoy it" a smirk pulled at his lip "but I just think we need to keep it at friends right now" I carried on "thats ok, I am going to sleep in the spare room, night" he gave me a hug and I let myself take in his scent.

"Happy birthday by the way" I smiled before he opened the door "thank you, and thank you for helping me tonight, both times" he winked at me before speaking, "get use to me being around to be your knight in shinning armor" I rolled my eyes before letting out a small laugh "night Jack".

I might have stopped anything more happening between us, but I couldn't stop thinking about what would of happened if I didn't put a stop to it.

God this boy has my mind in chaos.

I woke up and I hated how empty by bed felt without Jacks warmth next to me. I cannot pinpoint what my feelings are but it isn't just friends. I know I feel more and I am starting to think he does too but my own stupid insecurities and thoughts just do not let myself think that a boy like him would even care about me or like me more than a friend.

I feel so secure and trusting of him but theres something in my own head that is just stopping me pouring my heart out to Jack.

I cannot stand the thought of being hurt or even worse, losing him completely.

"Thinking about me?" he leaned against my door with a smirk on his face "woke up as cocky as always I see" I pulled myself up to lean against my headboard "cocky, but caring" he said as he carried in a tray with a full cooked breakfast on and placed in on my bed; I could not help but smile ear to ear "you should smile more" he said as he opened a bottle of Prosecco "never too early on a birthday is it" I smiled as he winked at me.

We ate our breakfasts whilst I forced him to watch my favourite, binge worthy reality TV. "Thank you, for the breakfast in bed" he let out a small laugh "what crude response are you thinking now" he placed his hand on his heart and shot me a fake sad face "is that all you think of me" I shook my head at his little pout "just wait for dinner" his glistening eyes locked onto mine and I looked down as I felt myself blushing "you look cute when you blush" he placed a kiss on my warm cheek causing goosebumps on my arms.

Anytime I feel his touch or his breath I feel a shiver down my spine.

After managing to unstick myself from my mattress, or shall I say after Jack pulled me off my mattress, I jumped in the shower and opted for a simple denim shorts, vest and over-shirt with some basic makeup as my look for the day.

I heard voices downstairs as I made my way to the kitchen "and the birthday girl finally appears, happy birthday Lola" Dex said before giving me a hug "thank you Dex" I greeted Jason and met a girl called Mia, she was beautiful. She had tanned skin, green eyes and bouncy chocolate coloured curls. "I am so glad I have another girl to rant to when these boys annoy the shit out of me" I chuckled as Dex stood up "boys? I am a man thank you very much!" Dex sipped his drink "you might be 22 Dex but you are a kid" Mia shot him a sarcastic smile and before he could reply Jack appeared dressed in shorts and a simple white tee

The English New Girl And The American Bad boy(Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang