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Avery's Pov.


Pulling up to Adrien's house, we all exit both cars and stood in front his house.

"Whose house is this?" My mom asked with a shocked expression on her face.

"Adrien's" I replied and she turned to me with her eyes widen.

"You've been living here all the time and never told me?!"



"What?"I asked baffled.

" If you told me that you were living in a huge masion, I would have moved in with you a long time ago. Got me living in that old house all alone with your stubborn sister" she grumbled and mumbled the last sentence. I quickly covered her mouth felling embarrassed. "Shhh! Mom"

Adrien laughed out loud and I sent him a glare. Clearing his throat, he immediately stopped and spoke."Come inside"

We all followed after him and entered the house."Whoa!" Judy exclaimed while her eyes scanned the entire interia of the house.

"Oh my!'s beautiful!" My mom said while touching every single object in the house.

"Mom~~" I said and pulled her away.

"What?" She asked and I heard Adrien snicker.

"Have a seat Mrs. Davis" he offered after he was done laughing and she sat down along with Judy and the rest.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Stella asked my mom and no sistet.

"Just some juice" she answered and stella nodded.

"How about you?" Stella turned her head towards Judy. "Do you guys have chocolate? Chicken? Or maybe burgers Ohhh......PIZZA!!! do yo---"

"Judy!" I cut her off and she immediately shut up.

"Can I have pizza?" She whispered quietly to Stella, trying to not let me hear her and Stella nodded.

Chucking at her, I turned my focus to the TV.We sat in the chair and watched a family movie until Stella brought some stuff for us to eat.

Bitting on my cookies...I lay back and watched another of my favorite movie 'Rush hour'

Jackie Chan is so damn funny!

And yes....he's one of my favorite actors.

"Honey, I think you should get some rest'' mom said and I pout at her.

"But mom---"

"No buts. You're still weak and I want you to recover quickly. So go and sleep" mom said and I sigh before nodding.

"Fine" pouting at her, I got up and walked to the stairs.

Placing one of my feet on the frost step, I felt someone scooping me I their arms and I already knew who it was.

"Let me take you up" he said.

Smiling at him, I nodded and let him carry me up the stairs.


Opening my bedroom door, I lay on my bed and he engulf me in a hug. Laying there, we cuddle with each other. I rest my head on his chest and sniff him. [A/N: That sounds weird😂]

He smell so damn good!

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes before I spoke. "What happened after I went unconscious?"

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