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Chapter 31

Avery's Pov.

It's been 1 week now since the incident and I'm feeling much better.

Ever since that incident, Adrien has been a little distant. I can't believe he's really angry at that?

just back from work and was currently laying on my bed when there was a knock on my door.

Getting up, I opened the door and guess who was standing in front of me?


"Get dressed in some gym clothes. Meet me in the training room, I'm teaching you some self defence" he said and left.

Digging into my closet, I found a sports bra and leggings. Quickly slipping them on, I ran to the training room.

Entering the gym, I spotted Adrien way back in the corner of the room.

He signal me to come over and I hoped into the fighting ring.

"So, we're gonna start out with some warm ups. Lunge with a Twist, sit ups, High Kicks, Jumping Jacks and Push-Ups. 10 each." He said and I nodded.

"Let's begin"


By the time we I was done, I was laying on the floor.

I'm exhausted.

It sounded so easy but it's do hard to do. I'm so unfit.

"Now we're gonna start. Self defence no.1, the groin kick. Stabilize yourself as best you can.Lift your dominant leg off the ground and begin to drive your knee upward.Extend your dominant leg, drive hips forward, slightly lean back, and kick forcefully, making contact between your lower shin or ball of your foot and the attacker's groin area." He said while demonstrating it to me.

I followed every step and was successful.

"Great. Self defence no.2, Elbow Strike. Stabilize yourself with a strong core and legs to ensure a powerful blow.Bend your arm at the elbow, shift your weightforward, and strike your elbow into your attacker's neck, jawline, chin, or temple. These are all effective targets.This may cause your attacker to loosen their grip, allowing you to run." He again explained while demonstrating it to me.

I listened carefully and followed every step which I again did successfully.

" Good and last but not least Self defense no.3, escape from a hand Trap and bear hug. To escape the hand trap, Shift your hips to one side. This gives an opening for strikes to the groin with open-handed slaps.Bring your hand back up to your arms and raise your opposite elbow to turn into the wrap. Keep your arms tight to your chest as you're turning in.Stay aggressive with your knees and other counterattacks until you can disengage. To escape the bear hug Bend forward from the waist. This shifts your weight forward, making it more difficult for your attacker to pick you up. It also gives you a better angle to throw elbows from side to side to the attacker's face.Turn into the attacker with one of your elbows and continue counterattacking.This should give you space to turn fully, using another move to injure the face or strike the groin. With the space these moves have created, you may be able to escape and run away." He explain and I followed his directions and once again did it successfully.

"Now we'll put all three together and see what you can do" he said.

Taking a deep breath, I got in position and begun.

I first attempt to kick him in his nuts and barely succeed. As soon as I was done with that, I quickly got back in position and did the elbow strike on him. Successfully doing it, I quickly attempt the 'to escape the hand trap' and 'to escape the bear hug' self defence which I failed.

As soon as I tried it, I was knocked on to the ground by Adrien.

"Ouch" I yelled out.

"Come on, we gotta do it again" he said and I got up.


For the oass 30 minutes, I tried a million times and still failed. I was now very tired and felt like I was about to fall.

"Can we take a break?" I asked.

"No, we need to get this done and you can take a break after" he said with a rude tone.

He's still angry with me?

I don't care!!!!

Stupid guy!!!!

"Let's do it again" he said and I started from the beginning.

I failed again.

He's too strong!

"Please, let's take a break" I plead.

"No, come one let's do this!"

I let out an exhausted sigh and got up. Wobbling towards him, I kneed him in the nuts and strike him in the fave with my elbow, I was about to punch him when my knee gave in and I fell to the floor.

Looking up, I saw him running towards me. He stooped down to my level and cupped my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His voice showing hints of concern.

"I need water and a brake" I said and he agreed.

Bring me a bottle of water, I gulp it down and law on the floor, resting my muscle.

"You can rest for now. Tell me when you're ready to train again. I'll be over there" he said and I wave him off.

After 20 minutes of resting, I felt better but not 100% strong but I was ready.

Calling him over, I stood in my position and finally....FINALLY! I successfully did it! I finally did it! Smiling to myself, I happily got up (after being dismissed by Adrien) and went upstairs.

Taking a warm bath, I changed into some comfortable clothing. I then went into the kitchen and grabbed a snack.

After eating, I went back into my bedroom and exhaustedly lay down on my bed and slowly fell asleep.



Until next time

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