In Trouble

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Chapter 5

Avery P.o.v

When I entered his office, Mrs. Joes was sitting on his lap and they were kissing.


I quickly cover my eyes with my hands and walked out of the door.

I locked the door. A few seconds later Mrs. Joes came walking out of his office and she looked at me for a few seconds and then walked away.

Am I in trouble? I mean I didn't do anything. Besides, it's their fault!

My C.E.O then called me inside.

"I didn't see anything! I swear!" I said, kneeling before him.

"Get up..." he commanded me.

So I got up and he had me take a seat for I don't know what!

"So.....why did you call me?" I asked.

In my head, I was praying that he doesn't fire me.

"Oh! I just want to ask you a question" he replied

"Oh...the go-ahead," I said smiling :)

"Okay...." he paused "who are those guys?" He asked. His face became serious. He folds his arms as he stared at me.

I suddenly became nervous I didn't know what to do.
I was about to tell him but then I remember what the guys said "keep this a secret"

Although I don't know these guys, I feel guilty to expose them. So I've decided that I'm gonna keep their secret! :)

"Avery!" My C.E.O yelled.

I was lost deep in my thought but I was brought back to reality when my C.E.O yelled my name.

"Yes?" I said puzzled

"Answer my question, who are those guys?" He asked

"Which guys?" I asked.

I try to pretend that I don't know who he's talking about but I'm a bad liar.

"Avery? Don't lie to me.." he said "I know you know who those people are"

I had to come up with something fast before he became more suspicious of me.

"They- They- they're my- umm...cousins! Yeah, they came from Thailand to visit my family and me" I said.

I lied!

"Are you sure?" He asks me, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah- yeah" I replied stuttering.

He then began staring at me and I felt very nervous. I avoided looking at him and I just started staring at the ceiling and nervously playing my hands.

"Avery," He said, bringing me back to reality.

"Y-yeah?" I paused "I- I mean yes Mr. Simpson?"

"You're lying," he said staring at me again.

I didn't know what to say.

What to do?!

I began to panic.

I just sat there saying nothing at all. My eyes were fixed on the ceiling again and nervously playing with my hands.

I could've felt Mr. Simpson's eyes on me. His eyes were burning with anger but he didn't say a thing.
I guess he was waiting for my answer but I said nothing at all.

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