I can't lose her

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"I get jealous, I get mad,

I get worried,I get curious,

But that's only,

because I love you so much

And I don't wanna lose you"

Chapter 37

Adrien's Pov.

"Doctor!" I shouted when my eyes spotted the male doctor from earlier, walking across the hospital hall way.

I ran over to him when I saw him turning in my direction. "How is she?" I asked. My voice showed hints of concern and panic.

"We examined her and found out she was shot. The bullet missed her heart by a few inches but she's not doing well. We're doing surgery on her right now and are trying our best to save her. This surgery is very risky though.....it's either she live or......"

"Please....save her" I begged.

I never in my life though that I would beg someone. Never.

"Mr. Alexander, we're doing our best right now. I can't assure you that she'll live but we'll try our best to save her" he said and I sigh.

Tapping me on my shoulder, he left.

I felt another tear escape my eyes. I just can't lose her.

Please! Let her be okay.

I can't live without her.

"She'll make it. I just know it" Nicholas said while throwing his hands over my shoulder.

Cole, Lucas and Stella all throw their hands over me and they all engulf me in a hug while comforting me.

Taking in a deep breath, I kept hoping that she makes it.


It's been 4 hours.

4 hours since I was crying.

4 hours since I felt like I was dying.

4 hours since I've been waiting for news about Avery.

Finally, I saw the same doctor, exit the surgery room and walked towards us.

"Doctor" I said.

His face held a sad and pity emotion that made me panic.

Oh God! Let this be good new

"How's....She?" I finally managed to say.

"She's............ALIVE!" He shouted happily and I felt a huge wait lifted off my shoulder.

Omg! She made it!

Thank God!

I knew she was a fighter!

Cole, Stella, Nicholas and Locas all cheered with me. Stella engulf me in a hug and happily screamed.

"Oh my God. Really?" I said happily while placing my hands over my heart.

Oh my God! I thought that she'll leave me.

"Yes." He replied with a smile.

"So when can I see her? Can I see her now?" I asked.

I was eager to see her. I had to see her beautiful face before I believe that she was fine.

"I'm sorry but she's very weak and was sent to the recovery room. She needs a lot of rest before anyone can visit her but you can see her from outside if you'd like" he said and I suddenly felt sad again.

I could only see her from far....

Well, at lest that's better than not seeing her at all.

"Okay." I said and he lead all of us to the outside of her room.

I looked inside and saw her weakly lying on the bed. The sad thing was, I couldn't get to see her face that good.

She was way to far from the glass window.

"When can we actually see her?" I asked.

"In 2 weeks. She'll be better by then" he replied to my answer and I nodded.

2 weeks with out her?

That's too much.

"You should go home and rest. Come back in 2 weeks and visit her" the doctor said and I nodded.

Whispering a 'get well soon' I waved goodbye to her and left.


I had just finish showering and was currently laying in my room when I remembered something.

I have to explain everything to her mom and sister!

Oh God!

What will I say?

Sighing, I've decided that I'll go visit her tomorrow and talk to her personally.

I hope she don't kill me.

Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep with only one person I my head.


It's been one week.

One week without seeing her beautiful face.

One week without hearing her contagious laugh.

I missed her. I missed her so much that I felt empty without her. I felt incomplete. I couldn't wait to see her.

"Mr. Alexander, Mr. Charles called. He said he wants to discuss business with you" one of my employees said.

"Tell him I don't have time right now." I said in a plain voice.

"So when specifically can he come to discuss business with you?"

"3 weeks from now. If he can't wait that long, tell him I said let's cancel everything" I said but this time my voice sounding very serious.

"O-okay Mr. Alexander" he stuttered and left.

1 more week before I get to see her.

I sigh and continued to sign the papers that was scattered on my desk.

Just one more week....


Sorry that this chapter was shorter, I didn't know what really to write.

The next chapter will be publish soon.

Bye for now :)

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