Saved Again.

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Episode 13

Avery Pov.

It's been 2 days now since I've started officially working at Ning Xian's commercial studio and everything is going well.
I'm busy right now. I was given my first work to do. I have to set up the studio where there's going to be a photo shoot for one of the company's products and there going to be very special models coming.

I'm nervous about this and I don't wanna mess up anything.
The photoshoot will be taken place tomorrow. I've already got the decorations, beverages, and snacks set. All I have to do now is set the cameras up and the lighting and I'm finished but it's not as easy as you think. I have 4 hours left to complete this work!

Since the last incident of my house trashing, nothing has happened.......yet.

It was now lunch break and Stella, Abigail, Adrien and I were heading to a small restaurant down the corner to have lunch. Well.....I didn't want to go but Abigail forced me and I just gave in.

I hurriedly ate because I wanted to head back to complete my work.
After having lunch, I along with the rest, head back to work.
so I walked a bit faster than them.

As soon as I reached my workplace, I sped up leaving them behind. "AVERY WATCH OUTTT!!!!" I heard someone shouted
I turned around to see who it was. It was from Stella.
I looked up at what she was pointing at and saw a huge chandelier falling over me.

I instantly froze. My heart was beating faster and faster. I began to panic.
What is happening?

I was scared. Was this how I'm gonna die?
I closed my eyes and waited for the chandelier to hit me.

Suddenly someone grabbed me and I felt myself moving out of the way.
I then heard a loud crash.
A hand grabbed my head before it hit the floor. I quickly open my eyes to see glass scattered everywhere. I then turned around and saw Adrien.
We were both lying on the floor.

I then looked around to see all the employees gathered around us. I quickly got up and Adrien did as well.

"Let's go," He said.
I quickly followed him.

"Adrien are you alright?" Natalie stopped us and asked Adrien.
When Adrien didn't give her an answer, she grabbed onto his and try pulling him away from me but he quickly removed her hands and grabbed onto my hands, and took me outside with him.
I took one last glance at her face turning red with anger.

Adrien's Pov.

After we left the restaurant, I notice Avery was hurrying to get back to work.
As soon as we enter work, my secretary came to me with some news about the photoshoot that will be taken place tomorrow.

"AVERY WATCH OUT!!!" I heard Stella shout.
I looked around the room searching for Avery.

As soon as my eyes saw her, I froze.

She was standing under a chandelier that was about to fall on her.

'Isn't she gonna move or does she wanna die?'
I asked myself.

I quickly ran and pulled her out of the way just in time.
We both came crashing to the floor and I quickly held her head back in my hand before it could hit the floor. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and I looked at her to see if she has any cuts or bruises.

The scene got a lot of my employee's attention.
Avery quickly got up and I did after her.

"Let's go" I instructed her and began heading for the door.
It's too dangerous here.

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