Meeting Mr. Player

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Chapter 14

Avery pov.

The next day was pretty boring.
I sat in the living room as usual watching either a movie or a TV show while Adrien sat on the opposite couch typing away from his computer And Stella, she was in her room the entire day.
I don't know what she was doing in there.
Maybe she needed a break from all the work and stuff.

The day went by fast.

It was now 7 in the night and I've just finished bathing.
I plop down on the couch opposite Adrien and turned on the TV again.


Stella finally came out of her room. She was wearing a red body fitted dress.
It looked like she was going out to some party or something.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked sitting up on the couch.

"Just clubbing." She replied as she bent down to grab her heels.

I quickly got up and pulled her to a corner where Adrien can't hear us.

"You're leaving me alone with him?" I asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, what?" She asked.

"Don't you know I'm afraid to be left alone with him?" I asked.

She sigh. "Look, Avery, Adrien isn't gonna take advantage of you"

"I know but still I'm not so sure. The last time he stayed at, your house, I stayed up all night with a baseball bat in my hands"

"Okay, okay fine! But either you come with me or you stay because I really need to go out. I don't know when I'm gonna get a free time like this again so...."

I sigh loudly.
What to do? I mean I don't like clubbing but I can't stay home with him.

"Okay. I'm coming! Just let me go grab my purse and---"

"You're going with me to the 'CLUB' like this?" She asked looking at my clothes.

"Yeah, what?" I asked looking at my pink kitten shirt and baggy pants.

"Oh, no honey!" She said as she grabbed onto my hand and pulled me to my room.

She dug into my closet and took out a black off the shoulder top and some blue shorts.

"Put this on" she commanded as she sat onto my bed waiting for me.

I quickly undress and put the clothes on.

A bright smile was now on her face.

"Now you look good. Wait here!" She said as she quickly ran out of my room and came back a couple of minutes later with a strapped shoe that goes all the way under your knee and a black choker. "Put it on"

I quickly put the shoes on and Stella helped with my choker.
I then let my hair down and I was finished.

I then let my hair down and I was finished

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