Home Sweet Home

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"Home is where

Love resides, memories are

Created, friends and

Family belong and

Laughter never ends"

Chapter 38

Avery's Pov.

I squint my eyes shut when the sun light hit my eyes. Reopening my eyes, I adjusted to the room.

Scanning the room, I took at my surroundings.

Bed, saline, doctor.

I'm in the hospital. But why am I here?

Kidnapped, kissed, necklace, Erika, shot.

Oh yeah! Now I remembered.

But where are they?

"Oh you're finally awake" a female voice said and I shot my eyes to her.

She had on a blue shirt and pants, a white doctor coat over and a stethoscope around her neck. She held a cart in her hands and had a polite smile on her face.

"Okay, let's get you check up" she said and check my heart beat, blood sugar and blood pressure.

"You're recovering well Ms. Davis." She said while removing the blood pressure machine from my hands.

"Did you see any of my friends?"I finally spoke.

"Hmm....I don't think so." She replied and I sigh.

They're not here?

"But I did hear that someone will be visiting you in 2 days" she added.

That reminds me...

"How long have I been here?"

"About 1 week and 5 days" she answered.

That long!!!

"You should get some rest. You'll recover better that way" She said and I nodded.

"Here."she handed me a tablet.

"Drink this. It'll help"

Taking it from her, I placed it in my mouth and drank some water.

Leaving me, I closed my eyes and slowly fall asleep.


It's finally the day.

I'll finally get to see Adrien and my friends.

After eating breakfast, I lay back while the doctor tested my pressure.

"Will my friends be here today?" I asked her.

"Yes, they and your family are out side" she answered.

My mom and sister is here?

What about Adrien?

"How many if my friends are here?"

"Only 4...I think"

So dose that means he's here?

"How many boys?"


Did any of them had Black hair?"

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