Lunch with the Player

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Chapter 19

Avery's Pov.
"You." He pointed to me...

I looked behind to see if there's anyone else there. "Do I have to step aside?" I asked and he chuckled before replying.

"No. I want you"

"Me?" I pointed to myself and he nodded.

"Yes, Come on up" he gesture for me to come.

"But I don't want to," I said.

"No way! Did you like just refused an offer from the 'Jake?" One of my fellow workers asked.

Yes, bitch!

"Get up here now" he commanded and I turned to him.

Ain't nobody telling me what to do!

"Can't you find someone else?" I asked and he sigh.

"Well, if you don't wanna do this then I'm not doing any shoot today," he said to me.

Alright, suit yourself!

"What? No! You have to. We need this! Our company depends on this photoshoot" Lisa spoke after a long time.

"Well, I would like to but your friend here isn't cooperating." He said looking at me.

Oh please...

"Please, Avery! We really need this. Just do it for your job" Lisa begged and I hesitate before giving in.

"Fine, fine. I'll shoot with you" I agreed and a smile was now on his face.

"Let me get you ready," Lisa said happily and took me to the dressing room.

She applies natural makeup to my face and had Vira take off the dress and had it on me. I could tell she was very happy but Vira wasn't.

After getting dressed, we went back to where the photoshoot will take place and waited for instructions.

The photographer looked at me and rolled his eyes.
I could tell he didn't like me but the truth was I didn't care.

"Okay. Take position. We'll start easy. I want you to grab her by the waist and pull her close to you. Miss Davis, all I want you to do is to smile" he said blankly at me and I nodded.

We took our position. Jake's hands were around my waist as he pulled me close to him and I did my best smile ever showing my teeth.

"Not bad!" The photographer said a little amused by me.

"bring in the cake!" The photographer shouted and a very huge cake entered along with 2 chefs.

"Now, for this scene I want you to feed each the other cake and I would like to see smiles on both faces."

I nodded and took my position again. The cake was already cut so I took a fork and took a piece of the cake and fed it to him while giving my best realistic smile. He also did the same to me and I manage to smile while he fed me.

"Great!" He gave me a thumbs up. "For the last scene, I want you to hug her around her waist and her hands around your next. Like in a waltz position."

We did as he told us and he continued "Now I would like both of you to bring your nose close so that it can touch each other's."

Oh.....k. now that sounds weird.

Anyway, we did as he told us. "Now smile and I want to be able to look at this picture and tell that you're in love. Make it realistic!" He said. I smiled while looking into Jake's eyes and he did the same.

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