Lasercorn x Reader

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~Saw LCorns video where Joven babysits for him for a bit and thus this was born several weeks later~

I knocked on the door of Lasercorn's house. I was excited to be over seeing as I loved being around David and his kid Tyler, and we haven't gotten to hang out in forever. Also I might have the slightest crush on him. I've liked him forever honestly. Obviously when him and his now ex were together I backed off. I'm not daring enough to steal another girls man.

Lasercorn answered the door with a bright smile on his face. Tyler stood to his side and I smiled widely. "Hey David!" I said giving him a hug. I pulled away and bent down to Tyler. "And hello Ty!" I gave him a goofy smile and started tickling him. I walked in and took a seat on his couch.

"So whats the plan for today?" I asked. I knew he wanted to film something. "I was thinking of filming a get wrecked son and then just hanging out." He said taking a seat next to me. "Awesome. I hope you know if it comes down to it I'm gonna protect Tyler at all costs." I laughed. I had watched his videos with Tyler and it was adorable. Not only that but I enjoyed seeing Lasercorn and Ty together. He seemed like such a soft boy with his son.

"Of course you will." He smiled. He got the camera and set it up before we started filming. "Greetings gamers and welcome back to another Lasercorn channel video! Today I'm joined with (Y/n)," he motions to me. "Salutations." I nod to the camera. "and Tyler." He points over me to Tyler. "Say hi Ty." I encourage him. "Hi." He whispers. I smile widely looking from him to the camera.

"Today we're going to play some gang beasts together." He tells the audience. We get in and start. Me and Tyler teamed up against David (though I don't think he knew we were an alliance exactly) and threw him over. After that I took off the training wheels and went for Ty.

The next round I did a similar strategy, but he threw me off before I could get him. "Come on little Ty! I believe in you!" I sheeres him on. "Why do you love him more then me?" David asked. I smiled looking at him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "That is not true!" I laughed into his arm. "I love you guys equally if anything." I tell him. He laughs at that.

We finish playing and I assume he's going to sign off. Then he unexpectedly gets up. "So I have some errands I need to run so I'm going to test your skills and you're going to watch Ty while I'm out." He tells me. I look behind me. "Who me?" I ask jokingly. "Yeah. I'll be gone maybe 10 minutes. Don't burn down the house." He says as he grabs the keys. I looked to the camera with a worried glance on my face and then sat down with Tyler.

"Hey Ty Ty." I smiled ruffling his hair. "Da—I mean your dad is going to go out so I'm gonna watch you." I told him. He was quiet. "Can you say Hooray (N/n)!" I ask. "Hooray." He mumbles. I smile at that. I turned the game back on and we played a few rounds. He got me good one time when I was actually trying. I was thinking about David. I wanted so badly to just tell me he loved me.

"Lets have girl talk Ty." I turned off the game and leaned back on the couch. I forgot the camera was recording. "Well its not really girl talk because you aren't a girl, but its close enough to it." I giggled nervously. "I like the guy. You know him pretty well. And I don't know what to do about these feelings. I wish he could just come out and tell me he likes me or not." I said. "What do you think I should do?" I asked him. I knew he wouldn't respond so I took upon myself to do a separate voice and have a conversation with myself

"Maybe you should go for it. He could always like you." I said in my fake voice. "And if he doesn't I risk ruining a perfect friendship." I roll my eyes. "But if he does you get together with the guy of your dreams." I rebuttal. "Fair point. The risk is too high though. His son is a peach. I love seeing him too." I cross my arms. "Just try it out. If we're thinking of the same guy he probably won't be weird about it. He's your best friend for god sakes." I concluded.

"David's got me going so crazy I'm talking to myself." I laughed slightly. An alarm went off and I immediately grabbed Tyler. "Okay its not a fire alarm so it must be..." I crunched knowing if we were actually in danger I had a limited amount of time to get out. "Intruder." I whispered. I grabbed my phone and started for the door. "Okay Ty, we're gonna go for alittle field trip, okay little buddy?" I told him. Before I walked through the door Lasercorn popped through.

"Hey (Y/n) where are you headed?" He asked. "An alarm went off I figured it was an intruder. I was trying to get out as quickly as possible." I say and set down Tyler. "Wow. If you were anyone else, especially Joven, they would've panicked and stayed inside." He laughs. "Well I'm a responsible adult." I put my hands on my hips in a superhero pose. "Yeah okay you tell yourself that." He smiled and walked passed me.

I turned and followed him into the living room. I watched as he turned of the camera. I felt my stomach drop remembering the conversation with myself. I felt panic set in and took a seat on the couch. I played it off as nothing and went on my phone.

We hung out for the rest of the day and then I went home as he said he was going to start editing. I was glad to scoot out of there when he said that. I gave him a big hug before getting out of there quickly.


I couldn't believe what I heard over my laptop. I replayed the minute over and over not believing she really said that. (Y/n) liked me. She likes me! I mean I've always had a thing for her. She's amazing with Tyler from what I've seen. She's really good with Tyler which is amazing. I was waiting for any type of sign to tell me to ask her out. This was it if anything.

I smiled as I continued editing the video. I didn't want to put in (N/n)'s girl talk segment because I doubted she wanted that out there, but I put music over it and fast forwarded through it. I put the words "Personal stuff was accidentally spilled on camera here" and then resumed it right when she ended.

I put Ty to bed and then went to bed myself. I would post the video tomorrow and then finally ask (Y/n) out. I had been dreaming of this for years now. I was finally going to do it.

As soon as I posted the video people were commenting (Ship Name) all over the comments along with talking about how cute (Y/n) is with Tyler. I was happy with how everyone would potentially feel about us if we were together.

I texted (N/n) after popping intot he comments for awhile and told her I was coming over. Tyler was smiling upon me saying we were going to see (Y/n). I was glad Ty liked her so much too. I pulled into the parking lot of her apartment and got me and Tyler out. I knocked on the door and smiled at her when she answered.

"Hey David." She smiled. "My house isn't exactly baby proof but I did what I could in the time given." She let us in. I saw the knives on top of her fridge and duck tape over the power sockets. I laughed. "We love a makeshift mom." I say and look down at Tyler. He let go of my hand and threw himself at (Y/n). She giggled at that and pet his head.

"So what brings you here Laser?" She asks. I could hear the nervousness in her voice. "Oh yeah." I say. I blushed alittle looking to her. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me sometime?" I asked her. She took a deep breath giggling. "Of course David. I had a feeling you'd ask me." She bit her lip. "Awesome. I guess we'll do that then." I said awkwardly. "Yup." We were awkward for a second. "Ty was excited to see you." I say. "Thats fun! You missed (N/n)?" She asked him. We went on from there talking.

Hello my people I love you! Okay cool. I made this in an hour so....yay??
Also I saw we have 58(?)K reads on here. WTF THANKKSSS?? I'm so happy everyone here is all like "yo this shit is that good shit" because it meams so much to me. Thank you all so much fir being here. I love you all!

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