Reader x Damien #1 part 2

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(Continuation of Reader x Damien #1 if you didn't catch that)

(F/b/s)=Favorite brand of shoes


I walked home from hanging out with Damien. I was glad that we were friends. He was a great guy and I really liked him. I wish we could be more than friends but I'll take what I can get. I stepped into my house locking the door behind me and falling onto my couch thinking about damien.

Me: hey I'm home.

Damien: Ok sleep well😊

Me: you too✌️

I couldn't stop thinking about how we held hands. I slipped my hand into his and I feel like he didn't notice. Or maybe he just didn't mind. I wonder if he likes me back or if we're just friends to him.I fell asleep on the couch waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was almost noon. I looked at it to see Damien across the screen. I smiked and picked it up.

"Aye dame." I said my voice sounding rapsy because I'd just woken up. "Hey.....did you just wake up." He ask. "Yeah. You shouldn't call so early." I complained jokingly. "Its nearly noon." He laughed. "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today since you don't have work.

"Yeah I'd be up for it. I have nothing planned today so I day out with the bro would be great." I giggled slightly. "Ok cool. Wanna meet up at the coffee shop again?" He asked. "Yeah I would love that." I smiled. "Ok I'll see you soon." He said. We said goodbye and hung up the phone.

I got up taking a quick shower and getting ready in my (F/c) shirt and a pair of jeans. I put on my (F/b/s) and headed out of the door and down to the coffee shop. I saw him already there sitting at the same table waiting for me. "Hey Damien." I smiled walking up and sitting down. "Hey (N/n)!" He said as I took my seat.

We talked and stuff and he told me that he might join Smosh Games. I told him that was great. After we left the coffee shop we walked around town again together. I managed to get us to hold hands again but this time I think he noticed. He still didn't seem to care. That might mean he likes me.We continued to walk with eachother aimlessly around town talking and then got dinner and walked home.

We stood on his door step again but the atmosphere was much different. I could tel there was something there. Was it possible that he could like me? Or maybe I'm just lying to myself to make me believe that.

We said our goodbyes and I started to walk away. He watched from his door step as I went down the driveway way. I heard his door open and I couldn't resist. I ran back shouting 'wait'. He walked back to where he was facing me on the door step and I got to him planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and even though it was dark I could see alittle blush on his cheek. I blushed a bit.

"Bye Damien." I said waving slightly and then continued walking down the driveway. I wondered if he was going to be weirded out by it. He smiled and blushed but that does it really mean he likes be. I smile when I blush out of awkward and embarrassing situations.

I walked home quicker than normal sitting on the couch and freaking out with my best friend about it on the phone. It was only a kiss on the cheek so it wasn't really anything. I decided to text him that I got home just like the night before assuming he'd want me too.

Me: Hwy I made it home.

Damien: Ok thats good. Thanks for the kiss by the way.

Me: Yeah I kinda like you so I took a leap of faith with that.

Damien: Well I like you too so thats good. Maybe next time we can go out as more than friends.

Me: going out as more than just friends would be a great thing. I'd love to be your more than just friends person.
Me: Hehe I'm awkward sorry

Damien: I'd love to be your more than just friends person too❤️

Me: Yay!
Me: I'll text you when I get up for work. Goodnight.

Damien: Goodnight!

I went to bed with a smile on my face happy with how my day went.

I seriously finished this in like an hour. I've had this idea for like a month but haven't gotten around to doing it. Here's the part two for it. You guys should go read my Lasercorn fanfic. Also I've got two books in the works that I have kinda as side jibs that I'm not gonna post probably anytime soon just so I'm not working on 3–4 books at once. Two is enough for me (as in two that I have to get out in a time period).

Ok so question is....

What is your favorite ship(s)?

Mine are Koah, Woze, Weshire, and Shaymien. Like get me oneshots of those and I'm set.

Speaking of oneshots (and books in general) there are a shortage of shaymien, Woze, and Koah books and oneshots . We need this in check. I'm gonna make some more Koah because its been awhile and then its your duty to find me some fresh books of Koah, Shaymien, and Woze. Write some, get your friends to write some, dig for them. I need them.

Sorry i went off on a tnagent but request some stuff aslo. OH! We hit 7k awhile ago I'm not sure when and I think we might be close to 8k so thank you for that. We're we just at 4k? Oh how the time flies lol.

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