Anilivia #1

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!!!!!!!!VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!**Trigger warning! Later on in the chapter there is a death of a major character, a suicide note, and a very vivid depiction of what they looked like when they died. Please do not read if you are easily triggered and I will put a note saying where it stops and ends for those of you who choose to just not read the part. Thank you and please enjoy the one shot**

Olivia was a smart, and silly young girl. She was weird at times and loved to keep people happy. She of course had her bad days but nobody could ever tell. She always covered up her sad afraid of what people would think if she were sad.

She moves around alot because of her dads job but she's been in California for awhile. She had alot of new amd close friends. Ian, Joven, Mari, Courtney, Wes, Noah, Keith, and ofcourse her boyfriend, Anthony.

She loved Anthony. He was always there for her. Although she never seemed sad he reassured her that if she was ever feeling down she could talk to him. He always made her remember that he loved her. And at that, it was enough to make her so extremely happy.

She went around school hand and hand with him and they ate lunch together. They had majority of their classes together and the ones they didn't weren't too far away from eachother. Everyone believed that they were the absolute cutest couple ever. The way he smiled at her, and she looked at him full of love. The way Anthony made her heart swell.

Nobody could help but smile seeing the two of them walk down the hallways together. And even when they kissed it was full of lust and a full on make-out session. It was sweet, and simple. As if they were both sure that they were more then just a hit and run.

It wasn't like most couples where they fuck a few times and then its on the the next one. Of course they weren't most couples. Most couples—at least at their school—ended with some sort of tragedy. Like one if them cheated, or there was a nasty argument where some awful things were said.

They dated for a year and a half and actually never went further then making out. And that was only a few times. Olivia's father thought Anthony was great and her mother absolutely loved him. Anthony's parents loved her bubbly personality and weird things she would say from time to time.

It was like the gods had Olivia move for a reason. One reason. One person. Anthony. Yes all of her friends were great but it was like Anthony and her were made for each other. Like the moon and earth.

Anthony gave her a ride home one day. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before hopping out of the car. She walked inside and saw her parents on the couch engaged in a conversation. "Hey mom! Hey dad!" She said setting her stuff down. Her dad looked stone faced and her mom had tears in her eyes. Something went wrong.

"Whats going on?" Her voice immediately saddened looking at her mom. "Uh well. We have some good news and......" my mom trailed off. "Some bad new." Olivia finished it expecting those words.

"What was going to happen?" "Did I do something wrong?" "Did someone die?" Her mind raced as she stood there lookig at her mom. "Start with the good news." She said tears already in her eyes.

"Well your dad has gotten a higher paying job!" She smiled. "Ok.....and the bad news." Olivia braced herself. The words almost cut through her like a knife. As soon as she heard the news she ran out in tears. There was no telling where she was going. Her mom and dad looked at eachother worried.

Olivia ran and ran and didn't stop running. Out of breath she paused infront of Anthony's house. She caught her breath and knocked on the door. It took a moment and then the face of the guy she loved showed.

"Olivia?" He looked at her confused. "Olivia whats wrong?" He brought her into a hug. "M-M-My My mom and dad just t-told me that we're moving to," she paused. "Florida." She broke down into more fits of crying and sobbing. She was held against Anthony's chest and he began to cry also.

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