Wesari #1

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Mari was one of the kinda popular people. She was the type of girl who got popular but didn't turn mean or anything. She was nice and cool and funny and practically everyone liked her. She loved everything about that.

It wasn't even the popularity. The people who she surrounded herself by she tried to keep friendly. She tried to stay away from the mean people amd even her friends who weren't super popular she still hung out with all the time.

Wes was also a fairly popular kid. He was the guy who was charming, cool, but also kinda intimidating. He was a sweet though. He loved meeting new people and once they got to know him and new he wasn't going to like instantly kick their ass or anything they learned he was very nice and childish.

Both Mari and Wes liked games and athletic stuff. And everybody knew they both liked that stuff which instantly made people think they'd be a perfect match. It wasn't a bad idea it would be cool if they gave it a shot. They could play games together or go to the gym together or even sign up for races together.

Mari didn't want to be in a relationship because of social pressure though. She wanted it to be her own choice. Her and Wes had talked only a few times and each time was nice and they seemed to like eachother in a friend way but they'd never talked long enough to know if they'd like each other more than that.

Mari sat at her table with Courtney, Josh and Boze talking. There were a few other people there but they weren't really talking to them. Mari was looking at Wes. Part of her wanted to ask him out or at least talk to him. He was a nice guy and she wanted to at least get to know him. She felt they could be good together.

"You should just go over there." Boze finally said seeing as Mari hadn't talked in almost five minutes and was staring. "What? No. I'm not talking to him." She protested. "Why not I think you guys could work together." Courtney stepped in. "Josh tell them they're being ridiculous." She said looking to Josh to side with her.

"I'm sorry but I have to agree with them. You two have so much in common. I think you should just go over there. I mean you already know his friends even if its just barely." He pointed out. She sighed loudly. "Fine! I'll go over there." She said giving in and getting up.

Wes sat with a few of his friends. There was Matt, Damien, Olivia, and Amra (Flitz). She shuffled over with my food and sat down. "Hey Wes!" She greeted him as she took a seat in the empty spot on the end across from him and next to Olivia. "Oh hey Mari." He smiled.

They all just talked for the duration of lunch. Nobody questioned her going over since she jumps from table to table every now and then just because. They all laughed and talked together and then they left.

Wes had a conversation with his friends about whether or not he wanted to ask out Mari. They said go for it but he was stilk hesitant about it. He was scared she'd decline it and then what if they were bith awkward around each other after that. That was just something he couldn't deal with.

They walked with eachother out of the lunch room and on the way to class seeing as they had the next period together. "Hey Mari." Wes said, Mari looking at him in acknowledgment. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'd like that." She said blushing alittle bit. Mari very rarely blushed do this was weird. He blushed and they exchanged phone numbers and he said that he'd pick her up around 7 that night. She sent him her address and went on throught the rest of the day.

On the date Mari changed into a pair of black boots, black jeans and a cute grey top. Wes wore a pair of black jeans and a Full metal Alchemist shirt. They went to a small place that wasn't too expensive and was nice. They talked and ate.

Both of them had a great time and then they went to their own houses and added eachother on their games so they could play together. It was definitely the start of something great.

This is alittle bit on the shorter side even though it is still kinda long. Also if this seems a bit rushed I'm sorry. I had it typed up and then it erased all of it and I had to put what it was that I had already there or what I could remember and then add more.

Sorry that this is a bit delayed I know people have been asking for wesari for like months now I've been meaning to do it. I've been working on this for like a month and a half now. Hope you liked it though😊

Ok so lets se the question is.....

What is one of your favorite songs right now? I'll listen to them I want some more music and just know what type of music you guys like.

Mine right now would probably be Folkin' Around by Panic! At The Disco Its a really good song.
And The Pros And Cons Of Breathing by Fall Out Boy

I like alot of somgs that were created when I was extremely young/not born.

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