Weshire #2

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This was a very very strange world that they lived in. Everyone had some type of different unique "to their personality that made them unique. Yes its great to be unique and individual, some people had things that were very........annoying.Joshua Ovenshire or just joven as his house mates called him, had his own mood indicator as he called it.

When he was happy a rainbow would appear over his head, when mad he grew devil horns, jealous his face turned completely green, embarrassed his cheeks would turn literally as red as a fire truck, calm he would look completely normal, And if he were sad or overly stressed a rain cloud would appear over his head.

It was very bothersome as he always seemed to get stressed. But he also hated his housemates asking if he was ok all the time. He lived in a two story house with his friends Sohinki, Lasercorn, Ian, Anthony, Flitz, and Wes. They were all nice but Wes frankly got on his nerves. He was always so happy. It was almost annoying.

One day after a long day of procrastinating his work he finally got stressed which made the cloud appear over his head. He took off his glasses, shirt, and pants climbing into his bathtub getting his phone.

Yes he could wait it out and let it leave, but there was one person in the house who was able to make it leave alot faster. It was of course his least favorite person of the household. He sent him a text waiting for a reply.

Sugar sunshine🌝🍭: the cloud is back can you come to my room.

Sugar sunshine🌝🍭: I'll be there in a minute😊😊

Wes popped out of his bed and ran out of his room. He slowed down as he approached his room. He smiled ad he knocked on the door. Wes liked Joven and anytime he could get to be with him it was worth it. Even if he didn't really want him there.

He smiled knocking lightly on the door. He heard him grumble "come in and he opened the door. "I'm in the bathroom." He said. Wes waltzed in and looked at Joven, half naked in his bathtub. His arms were crossed. "You look adorable." Wes cheered sitting on the toilet next to his bathtub.

"Whatever. Can you just make it go away." He pointed to the cloud. His hair was soaked and looked like a dirty mop. "Yeah ok." He giggled and held back his own hair. He leaned forward and gave Joven a soft and simple kiss on the cheek. The cloud immediately popped away and his face turned red like a fire truck. He was embarrassed.

"Errm. You. You didn't do that before." He stumbled over his words. "I thought I would change it up. See what works better. I know how you feel about having that rain cloud for a long time." I scratched the back of his neck. "Oh uhmm." He paused. "Thanks." He said a smiling gracing his face as he started shivering. The water made him cold. Wes grabbed a towel and handed it to him.

"Dry off and meet me downstairs and help me make the brownies. Please!!" He smiled walking out. Joven looked at him surprised and immediately got up after he heard his door. He dried off and changed his clothes then raced down the stairs. He figured having a few brownies wouldn't kill him.
Kinda short and shitty but oh whale!!!

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