Reader x Damien #2

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This is dedicated to smoshsgames and dastyjhop (sorry it took me forever to post I've been putting it off for *looks at watch* forever? I think thats right.) anyways enjoy!


I sighed looking at my arm. My soulmate's name was tattooed across it. (Y/n) (L/n). Everyone always told me that they knew I'd meet her. Every new years it was 'Oh Damien I bet you next new years you'll have her to kiss at midnight.' It got old every year.

We were currently staying in a hotel while Vidcon was happening. "We gotta get ready." Wes told me. "Meet and greet for Smosh Games is in one hour." He said.

I started getting ready. Wes and I exited the room. I sighed again looking at my arm. "You'll meet her soon I bet you." He gave me a pat on my shoulder. "Thanks." I gave him a small smile. I pushed those thoughts away and we started walking.

I was super excited to go to the meet and greet. Its only my second year, but it's definitely a highlight of being apart of the Smosh Games. I met with everyone at the front of the hotel and we quickly went to our meet and greet spot at the con.


I stood in line nervously with (Bff/n). I couldn't believe I was really going to meet Damien today. It had always been my dream to meet Smosh Games. Even more so now that Damien joined. He's my soulmate. Today I finally can tell him. I wish it could be more extraordinary then just at a Vidcon meet and greet, but I'd settle for anything as I only want to tell him in person.

I was always foolish like that. Wanting there to be roses and candles where I walk up to him and show him my arm before telling him I'm his one true love. We're dressed up fancy and we dance around together through the night before talking for the rest of the night.

Of course thats not real. Scenarios like that only happen on tv and movies. (Bff/n) said that she just so happened to see her name on the arm of a guy while she was getting gas from a gas station. This is something you can't control. Although I was doing that in a way.

I was prepared to tell him. A piece of paper with my phone number on it and I was ready to roll up my sleeves when I got to the front so I could show him his name that was printed across my arm. I even went as far as to have a 'Hi my name is' sticker with my name printed clearly on it to show him. (Bff/n) agreed to meet them right after me so she could video the exchange. You probably wouldn't be able to hear considering how loud it was, but I wanted his face when he saw on camera.

I couldn't help but fantasize about the moment when I tell him. The face he makes, the rest of Smosh Games' reaction. How crazy would it be to meet a fan who also happens to be your soulmate.

The line started moving as the meet and greet went on and soon enough I was at the very front of the line. I felt the anxiety and adrenaline welling up inside as I walked forward to meet them. I huge smile painted my face as I was able to engulf everyone in hugs.

"Its so great to meet you all I've been watching you forever!" I giggled nervously. I felt myself freeze when I turned to Damien. I tried to form words. The four word sentence I'd been practicing in the mirror for weeks was now caught in my throat.

Quickly before time ran out I lifted my arm and pointed to it. I saw his confused face before he read it. I also pointed to the sticker on my shirt. I was mildly blushing as I saw a smile cross his face. He pulled me into another hug. "Its you." He whispered. I nodded. "Its me!" I giggled as we pulled away. I handed him the slip of paper and he opened it, smiling before putting it in his pocket. I turned and we all took a picture together.

I smiled to (Bff/n) who was still recording. I was still blushing madly when I walked off. I waited for (Bff/n) and we both screeched like banshees when she got to me. "Did you see his smile! Oh my god I can't believe you told him!" She hugged me. "I couldn't even speak! I was so nervous!" I laughed. We walked off and walked around for awhile.

I am such trash at actually writing these days. Sorry for the lack of one-shots or getting any other new books. The past month has been a bit stressful for me, but I'm doing okay. I hope you guys are also doing great as well.

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