Shourtney #1

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Being here in the "safe place" made me feel eerie. They were similar to cells. Only difference was we could roam around freely around the place. At night they were strict about sleeping arrangements.

There were 14 different groups. They all had up to 24 bunk beds making it to where up to 48 people could sleep in a single group. Thats 672 people in total. We were aloud in the other groups during the day but we had to sleep in our designated room.

Mine was group 11. We all got jump suits. Different colors for the different rooms. Ours was light blue. I only knew a few people in the room out of the 48 of us. Those were Shayne, David, Olivia, Noah, and Mari. They were all cool.

They all slept near me. Olivia was my bunk partner she slept on top bunk. Shayne slept on the right of me on bottom, David on top. Noah and Mari were to my left. Noah slept on top and Mari on bottom.

Being here for pretty much all my life I've grown paranoid about what really goes on here. Its like a juvenile facility. I feel alone. My other siblings were all scattered around the different groups. They made us eat slop, they assigned us chores, they forced us to work out, and if we ever did something bad or got into a fight we would be taken to the box.

The box was absolutely awful. It was a cold dark and empty room. I've only been there once. I got in trouble for throwing food at a girl who was being rude to my brother. It still gives me nightmares to this day. I spend most of my nights awake listening to the soft snores of those in the room I share with 47 other people.

I was always awake and if I did sleep I had spine chilling nightmares and would wake up amd stay awake for the rest of the night. Often during our free time I would come back and sleep while Mari, Olivia, or Noah made sure I was ok. They would help me feel safe. Mess with my hair or let me snuggle up to them.

David and Shayne normally were either doing chores or were playing sports. I felt bad that we weren't as close but I knew that they still cared about me. There were a couple times where Shayne helped me deal with a panic attacks. I got those every now and then and would rush to the restrooms.

"......Courtney!" Olivia snapped me out of my trance. I often zoned out during breakfast due to lack of sleep. "Oh. I'm sorry." I say looking around. "I asked if you would be ok with Shayne helping you sleep during free time. Me and Mari have chores at that time and Noah is scheduled for gym." She said.

"Oh what about David?" I asked. "David is being taken to the box for something." Mari said. "Yeah I'm ok with Shayne helping me." I yawned a bit before finishing up my food. "Ok good. You need sleep." She said.

Olivia was pretty goofy at times but when it came to things like this she was serious. They were all very funny. David could be violent at times which could be why he's in the box. He probably threatened someone's life. I wouldn't be surprised its not the first time.

I dumped my tray and took it to the wash station. I looked over at Shayne and smiled. He smiled back and got up walking to me. I felt my stomach go into knots as he stood next to me. We went back to our room and I laid down on my bunk. I laid on my back and took a deep breath staring at the ceiling.

"Courtney, I don't really know how to do this." He looks at me scratching his neck. "Its ok. Normally they just lay next to me and hold me or pet my hair." I sighed. This was awkward. I stared at the ceiling and took a couple deep breaths. Before I knew it he was next to me his arms are around me.

I snuggled into his side and breathed in the smell of lavender. He pet my hair as I drifted off to sleep. I woke up what only felt like a couple of minutes later. It had been an hour. He was asleep with his arms around me and I was gripping his jumpsuit.

"Shayne." I whispered his name. He moved a bit but didn't wake up. "Shayne." I said a bit louder. He groaned a bit and and turned over releasing me from his hold. "Shayne!" I said I hit his side. "Oh! What?" He looked around.

"We slept an 3 hours. Luckily I woke up right now. We have lunch in ten and then I have dishes." I say. "Oh ok. Lets go then. I have dishes today too." He said. I smiled as I was happy that he was with me. Even though it was just 3 hours it was the best I think I've slept since I've been in this hell hole.

He got up and brought me into a tight hug. I was taken off guard at first but then hugged back. We left meeting up with the others just before lunch. I hope he can help me sleep everyday.

Two updates in one day what??? This isn't normal now is it. Yeah yeah I've been off for awhile so i decided to come back strong. Yeah so request in the comments my dudes.

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