Jealousy & Floods Of Tears

Start from the beginning

That raises my attention.

"...Go on."

Emma P.O.V

Dinner is incredible. I sit around a circular table like Henry VIII would, enjoying some scrumptious crocodile sausages and sweet-potato mash with handsome James and gorgeous Fleur.

"Cheers to the jungle!" Fleur raises her glass.

At the end of the meal, stomachs full of fabulous food, Fleur rushes rapidly back to camp so she can use the dunny. James and I, we walk hand in hand, just enjoying each others company.

His hand is warm, soft and subtle. "I'm glad we're a thing now." James smiles, looking down at me. "The truth is..."

"What?" I laugh, waiting for his comment.

"The truth is ... I've never met anyone quite like you, Emma."

As we're about to enter the camp, James tugs my arm and pulls me into his chest in one quick motion.

Then we kiss.

In the morning ...

"Morning Fleur," I yawn over to my teammate whilst still cuddled up in my hammock. She's staring aimlessly up into the clouds. "How are you?"


Something's up.

I roll out of my hammock and step over to hers that is only a short distance away. "Budge up."

"I'm in a hammock." She furrows her eyebrows. "How am I supposed to budge up?"

"Like this."

I take the risk and launch myself straight on top of Fleur. She lets out a screech, but by some miracle, we both manage to stay stable. "Emma! Get off of me!" She screams.

After calming down a tad, and lowering to volume so we don't wake any campmates up, I ask, "so, what's up?"

"Last night when I came back from dinner," Fleur whispers. "I saw Emily and Mal. They were ... they were pretty close, let's just say."

"What?" I reply. "Are you serious? Emily knows that you like him."

"I know, and that's why-,"

Fleur doesn't get the chance to finish her sentence before another campmate lands on top of us. Fleur's hammock doesn't have a chance of holding the three of us, so it just throws us all to the ground with an almighty thud.

"James!" I bellow, watching the smirk grow on his face. "I was having a cuddle with Fleur and you ruined it!"

"Sorry." He sniggers. "I guess I just wanted one too."

As we eat out rice and beans, James and I snuggle up on the floor, keeping cosy and feeling the warmth of the fire. However, my eyes stick to the boy dressed in red.

"Since when were Em and Mal so close?" James whispers in my ear whilst pecking my temple. "Isn't it strange."

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

Mal is laid beside the fire with his arm draped around Emily's shoulders, and her head is laid on Mal's chest.

"Around the fire, everyone," Nick instructs. "Dec and Holly will be here in a second."

Crap. Where is Fleur?

"Um, where's Fleur?" Emily asks, still holding onto Mal's arm.

"I'm gonna go and find her," I bite. "I'll be quick."

I sprint up to the dunny, the shower, the creek and the bath, and in none of those places can I find her. My legs burn and tremble by the time I reach the Telegraph on the other side of the camp.

When I approach the wooden door, I hear an echo of gentle sobs. I swing it open, and sure enough, she is sat on the wooden floor.

She's in tears.

"Fleur?" I ask, walking in and shutting the door. "What's up?"

"Nothing," she rapidly wipes the tears away. "It's cool."

"No, it isn't." I shake my head, sitting on the floor beside her. "Tell me."

"But Holly and Dec are-,"

"Never mind them. Why are you crying?"

She pauses. "I ... I asked Mal at breakfast this morning. Him and Emily ... they're dating."


The anger riles up in my stomach, knotting every single one of my blood vessels. I feel my face warm up, my breathing stop and fists clench.

"Do you want me to murder Malique? Because I will."

No one hurts my best friend like that.

"No!" She stops me. "Let's just head back to camp, hear the public vote, and then we can sort this."

"And then what if you have to do the trial?"

She shrugs. "Then I have to do it."

I use the bottom of my t-shirt to wipe the tears from Fleur's cheeks. We then both stand up, wipe the dust from our trousers, and leave the telegraph.

"Just breathe, compose yourself, and don't even look at him."

"I won't."

When we step back into camp, Dec and Holly are both stood, hurriedly looking at their watches.

"Finally," Dec sighs, gesturing us over to the logs. "Take a seat, girls. We're rushing for time."

"The public has not been voting for today's immunity challenge, as all of you will be taking part."

Dec and Holly rush off to the ITV studios without any more of a conclusion. The camp then quickly disperses to grab their things.

"Is Fleur alright?" John asks me in a low tone of voice.

I nod to assure him, even though it's obvious that she's been crying her eyes out.


Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. This is gonna be the start of some serious drama!

Thanks to the lovely TheMarvelousBarnes for some of the most hilarious comments!


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