Chapter Three: Study

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Getting to know people is hard, for me at least. It's hard for me to trust people regardless if you're family or not. That started because of my mom of course all the broken promises, and the lies she had told me growing up. I couldn't trust anyone, but Luna for a long time. Jesse said I'm really harsh and closed off. I try not to be that way, but once you get use to pushing people away. It becomes a habit that is impossible to break.

We wake up the next day my is feel like it's stabbing me in the head, but it don't bother me much. I have migraines on a regular basis, so a hangover is a cake walk. "Yo I fucking hate you right now." Jesse said. "I've been dealing with shit like this since I was younger than Aurora." I replied. Everyone starts waking up one at a time, and everyone is struggling with their hangovers. Aurora is the only who hasn't been drinking.

"Nela if you going to throw up run to the trash, or we fighting for real." I said, and at that moment Ricky threw up all on the couch. "You got to be fucking shitting me!" I yelled. "Well he is not going to school. Especially if he keeps throwing up." Mateo said, and he's right because he is super hungover. Ricky his the lightweight, and he still finished a whole bottle by himself.

"I can't miss school today so I'll call Madre, and if she stay with you. If she can't just stay in bed all day, and I'll come during my lunch to check on you." I said. Luckily she agreed to it. Everyone gets ready for the day then Luna, Anela, and Jesse leaves first for school. I wait until Ma gets there to stay with Ricky. "Gracias Ma you're the best." I said then she hugged me and said "De nada Mi amor. Next time don't let him drink too much." She said.

I don't say it much, but I appreciate Luna's parents. They help me when I need it the most. "Come on kiddos we're going to be late." I said and rushed out the door. Rora and Teo arrived at school on time, but I arrived at school an hour late. "I'm so tired that I actually thought about skipping." I told Jesse. "Yeah well you're not the only one. I skipped my first class, and Luna is feeling like complete shit." He said as he slightly laughed, and he pointed at her in the classroom.

I walk in and slammed my hand on the table. "Come on we have class head up." I said, and groaned loudly. "You're an ass, and how did that not bother you?" She said. "Light bothers my headaches not sound. Now head up before I get louder." I demanded. I sat down beside her and Jesse. This is the only class the three if us have together. Class started, and then Miki walked in.

He looked at me, and took the empty seat in behind Luna. "You got an admirer," Jesse said. He was referring to Miki staring in my direction. "You sure it's me? It might be you." I whispered, and he threw a paper ball at me. "Don't fuck with me dude." He said. I laughed so hard because it's funny when Jess is mad. I laughed so hard, and long that the teacher told me to leave the class until I stopped.

I came back in the classroom calmed, and the I looked at Jesse then continued to laugh. I had to walk straight back out like twice, but I end up getting it under control. At the end of class Jesse and Luna was teasing me on my uncontrollable laugh. "Dude this is the 4th time this year in this classroom alone that you couldn't stop laughing." Luna said. "She's just too goofy to actually be serious." Jesse said.

Mr. Ramon walks over towards us, and looked at me. "The giggles again? You know you owe me another lesson right?" Mr. Ramon asked. "Yikes who is the unlucky soul that gets stuck with me as their teacher?" I wondered, and he pointed at Jesse. "Oh yeah that's fine. Torturing him will be fun." I said, and he laughed then kicked us out to our next class.

My next class was nothing, but me tutoring Jax. "Dude you was supposed to do this last week. Look you're already behind from being out of school. I'm trying to catch you up, but I cannot do that if you're not doing your work." I stated. "You done? Okay so I was busy last week so that's why I didn't get to that." Jax said. We argue all the time before we even get to the studying part, but that's because he is a jackass.

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