Chapter Fifteen: Pressure

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For as long as I remembered I was responsible for everything. All the pressure and stress has been on me. I've been a mother, a counselor, a best friend, a girlfriend, a Cartel hitman, and a high school student and I'm only a teenager. No one checks on me to see if I was okay mentally and I really don't think anyone cares, but Jess and Nella. I stopped caring about things after a while and just went with the flow. I get rid of one problem, and another surfaces then I'll have to handle things myself. I get no help when I ask, and I don't complain or blow up. I just continue doing one of my many titles with a smile on my face, and don't say nothing. Now I feel so detached from people, even my closet friends, and that includes Jax.

"Have you talked to Jace lately. He had literally been bugging me about you for the longest." Anela says. "No and I don't want to talk to him. All he want to talk about its "us" and there is no us. I've told him on Christmas that we won't happen, and I told him that years ago too, he just won't leave that subject alone." I responded. "He don't know why, and that's why he won't leave it alone. You need to tell him you're in love with someone else or are you guys not a thing anymore?" She always knew I was sleeping with a guy, but she never knew who. "No we are fine it's just-- It's Jax actually." I say. She threw a pillow at me, and then sat up. "You're ruining a relationship with a guy who makes you incredibly happy for Jax Hunter?" I got off the bed, and to fold some blankets. "No the guy is Jax. We had a thing a year ago, and we recently continued our thing." I tell her. 

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Jax? Jax fucking Hunter? You're telling me that you and Jax slept together, and you never told me? Wow and I thought you couldn't keep a secret from me." She said. "Literally that's the only thing I did keep from you. Jessie knew about it though, but Luna didn't I can't tell her about anyone I sleep with. Especially since Jax and Sherry use to be together." Anela knows how Luna is, and that if she would've known about Jax and I. Sherry including the whole school would've known. "Yeah I understand, but answer this for me. Is he good in bed? I mean Jax is fine, but he literally is terrifying." I laugh because I don't see how anyone can be afraid of Jax. He is literally nothing to be afraid of, he's comfortable to be around, and that's why I love him. "He's not terrifying he's just aggressive, and that's what makes him amazing in bed." Anela gasps and yelled then Mateo ran into the room. 

"Madi guess what! Chino text me back, and he said we got the house!" We cheered, and Mateo started dancing. "Call him in a hour for me okay? We can start moving stuff out when Anela move then one by one." I sat on Anela's lap then hugged her. "After graduation no more bullshit, no more cartel, and no more stress."  She said. My phone ranged, and I saw it was Navarro. I walked into the other room to answer the call. "What." I said annoyed. "You need to get here now." The last place I wanted to be is anywhere near Navarro. "Sorry, but I can't be around you. Luna already tired to fight me because she thinks I tried to seduce you. So I'm super straight on being anywhere near you." I said then hung up the phone. "Hey Madi Ace and the twins are here!" Anela yells. I walk out, and go downstairs. "Hey guys I'm sorry I'm heading out to the hospital today, and I don't want anyone at the house today so come on let's go." I rushed everyone out the house.

When we was all getting into the car Luna and Navarro pulls up. "Of course they was already on their way." I said out loud to myself, and Anela stood beside me. "So I'm guess that's is who called you, and he wants you to do a job. Hola tío and Luna what's up we were about to go meet up with my sister. Are y'all coming?" She said. "No we are here for Mariana, and she knows why." Luna said. Navarro pushed Anela aside and forcefully grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side. "Next time you hang up on me I'll beat you so bad that you'll need an oxygen tank to breathe. Where is Jax I didn't see him since I sent you to that job." He said. "He's dead thanks to you, but don't worry Chino made it look like he ran away." As he always do for Navarro. As I tried to walk off he grabbed my arm and held it tight.  

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