Chapter Twenty-Five: A New Life

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Navarro is finally dead, but it still feels like I'm drowning. Him dying didn't fix all the bad things I've done or brought the people he made me kill back. Him dying did stop other people from dying. I've grown up with Navarro, although, he never raised me. I still made the decisions I made to help him, and that my fault. Moving drugs for him when I was a kid wasn't my fault, it was my mom's, but when I got older my actions was my fault. Now that I'm done with Navarro I can live my life the way I want. Jax is gone too, so I have to raise my son without him knowing his father. I'm a single parent now so I have to live for my son now. Hopefully from now on my life gets better from here on out.

"We can move together since we finished school." Anela said. We both are laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Yeah, I got to see what Mateo says. I'm letting them choose are next destination." We've been laying here for a hour waiting for Ace to come back. "We don't have to worry anymore. I just wish that Jax was here so he can see his son grow up. Do you know if his parents found out?" She said handing me abag of skittles. "Nope, but they will probably find out later today or tomorrow. Ace put his body somewhere and I left his I.D. on him. "You should've took his wallet to make it look like a robbery." I sat up to grab it from the side dresser. "I grieving not stupid." I handed to her and she start looking through it. "Hey, that money is going into Miguel's bank account." I said then she laughed, and Ace walked through the door. "Ugh, finally food! Hey Jess when you get here?" I kissed Ace and Anela ran up to Jess hugging him, and almost knocking him down. "God I miss you." Jess said. "Why are your here?" Anela said and you can hear her voice break. I took Ace into the bathroom to give Anela and Jess a moment alone. "You do know there is a lobby?" Ace said. I laughed softly, and then just sat there. "Are you still upset about Jax?"

I nodded my head, and then wiped a tear. "Yeah, but I'll be okay. I just want to go home and just snuggle up to Miguel. How do I raise a kid by myself and later explain the his dad died." He knelt down in front of me and he looked into my eyes. "You are not going to raise Miguel by yourself, and for Jax you can tell him when that time comes. You don't have to do this by yourself. I'm always going to be there for you." He kissed me on the forehead, and then Anela ran into the bathroom. "What's up?" She looked at me with a worried look on her face. "You might want to take this phone call." She said. "Yeah, just give us a minute." She pulled me off the end of side of the tub, and placed the phone in my hand. "It's Miguel." I took the phone and I hear Aurora crying and Mateo trying to calm her down. "Teo, what's wrong? What happened to Miguel?" He hesitated and started to stutter. "Don't get mad, but Luna came here looking for you. We told her you was gone with Ace, and when Leilani came to feed Miguel she sat him down. She hit Aurora, knocked Ricky unconscious, Leilani has a busted lip and a black eye, and she cut me across the face. She took Miguel and left." I started hyperventilating and fell to the ground, and Ace took the phone from me and talked to Mateo. "Yeah, she's okay. We'll be there in a hour or two."

I got up and then started to change. "Okay, so we are enjoying your strip show." Anela said. "Everyone in here saw me in my underwear before, and only two of you don't find it a turn on." I finished putting on my shirt and I grabbed the key to the motorcycle. "You're not going by yourself! Ace grab the keys to your car. If you're going to find my godchild so am I." Jess said standing in front of the door. We drove two hours to Ace's house. "Mateo, Ricky? Where the hell are they?" Mateo came from the back, and ran to me. I hugged him and looked at his face. "I'm going to kill that bitch." I took the bandage off his face. "This is a bad job." I tell him. "I know, but I need stitches and I wasn't going to let anyone here else touch my face with a needle. Especially when it's this close to my eye." I hear a loud noise in the back. "Well, Ace just saw Leilani's face. Come on, I need you to laid on the counter and stay still." I gave Mateo some hard liquor the one he hates, but that'll get him drunk faster. "I feel like a bad sister, but you don't need to feel this." He started chugging down the liquor. "You are for giving me this kind of liquor. Why not give me Scotch or Whiskey." He laid down and I got to stitching up his face. Once I got done I went to go find Ricky and Aurora.

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