Chapter Two: The New Kid

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I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe you don't meet people on accident. People come into our lives to change it whether it's good or bad. I also believe they suppose to learn something from you. That's how the universe works. I feel like the universe teach us all a lessons. Not only that the universe sends us people, but it also teach you what karma is.

"He dumped her, and I think it's official this time." Luna said. "Wow I see her next period, so I'll check on her." I responded, and Luna looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I don't see how you're friends with that bitch. She used to bully you in middle school, and now you guys are 'best buds'." She said. Honestly she's right, but we not 'best buds' we just understand each other now.

"Look Sherry is just misunderstood. She's real sweet when you get to know her. You guys don't get along cause you're both assholes." I said. She laughed, and threw me the middle finger. "Fuck you okay I'm nothing like her, but good luck with that talk." Luna said, and then the bell ranged.

I went to my next class and saw Sherry. She had her head down, and I sat down next to her. "How are you? Like how are you feeling? I heard about you and Jax." I said. "He told me that he likes someone else. He also that he's not into anymore. Whatever he was an ass anyway." She said.

Sherry actually like him, but  I think it's only for sex. You'll call it being 'dick whipped'. "Cherry you don't need to keep doing yourself like this. It's what the fifth time you guys broke up." I said and she turned to me and poked her lip out. "No eighth, but he screamed at me. Then he kicked me out half naked." She whispered.

Jax IS an ass, but that was very unlike him. "You want me to talk to him? I tutor him today after school." I said. Usually when I talk to him they get back together. "Please you always give good talks." She said. I shook my head yes, and then our principal walked into the room.

"Hey class sorry to interrupt your lesson, but this is your new classmate. I want all of you to welcome him, and be kind." He said. "Hey wassup I'm Ace real name Miki, and no not like Mickey Mouse. My name is spelled M-I-K-I." He said. The principal whispered to him and pointed my way.

"Looks like you're going to have to tutor the new kid to catch him up." Cherry said. I looked at her, and rolled my eyes. "Great, Mr. Valentine act like I don't have a life at home." I said, and then sighed. He sat in front of me, and then he turned around and smiled at me. "Sup. What's your name?" He said.

I looked up from my desk, and stared into his eyes. "Sherry and this right here is Mari short for Mariana." She said. They started a conversation and I put in my headphones. At the end of class I saw Luna waiting for me. "Hey when can we meet so I can catch up. It's mandatory for me." Miki said. "Monday's and Friday's, but I'll tell you the location later. I got to go to my next class excuse me." I said.

"Yo who is that? He is fine! You want to introduce me? What's his name? What yall was talking about?" Luna questioned. "New kid, not at all, Miki M-I-K-I, and I'm the unlucky bastard that has tutor him." I said. We entered our last class and I see Jesse laying on the floor.

"Who broke your heart this time player?" Luna said then Jesse sits up, and looks at us. "You guys did. I was in your locker today and found this." He said holding up a card. "My locker? Oh shit yeah I remember this." Luna said. "What is it?" I replied looking at the card. Luna pulled my arm back and said
"Para su cumpleaños." I laughed then took the card from him, and sat down. "Oh yeah we hanging out without you this weekend." I said.

He got up, and sat next to me. He stared at me for a long time before for speaking. "I thought I was your best friend. You going to treat me like this. We supposed to be the three amigos." He said, and I turned to him. "You need guy friends bro. We ain't shit honestly, and we want a girls day." I said. In reality we just trying to piss him off, so we can plan his birthday.

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