Chapter Twenty-Three: Feelings

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I really care about Ace, but Jax was my first love. There is still feelings there, I care about Jax, but it's not the same with Ace. With Ace I feel safe and secure, and I know he won't hurt me. I don't know how to tell Ace how I feel. I don't know how to express it because I didn't have to do it with Jax. Ace is new to me, and it feels very familiar when I'm around him. He feels comfortable kinda like home. I'm not the best at expressing my feelings and yes I know it must suck, especially for Ace. He never complains about it though. Ace said he loved me, I didn't say it back because once I do then it'll be real. I'm scared that I wouldn't know how to love Ace the way he loves me. 

I woke up to Ace stroking my face. "Creep." I say to him. He stares at me without saying a word. "What's up? Why you looking at me like that?" He laughs held me tight. "You are so weird, I love it." I push him off me and got up. "You need to stop rejecting my love for you." I grabbed his t-shirt and put it on along with some shorts. "Why would I reject it? I'm just going to check on Miguel and Lani." I walk out the room, and into Aurora's room. Miguel wasn't in the bed, so I go downstairs into the kitchen where I see Jess and Anela talking. "Hey lovebirds, where's Miguel?" Anela rolled her eyes at me. "With Leilani. You didn't see her on the couch?" I went back into the living room and saw Leilani and Miguel passed out on the couch. "I just realized something! You are wearing Ace's shirt and some shorts. Did you let him hit?" Anela stood there and gave me a look. "Yes, but don't make a big deal of it." She starts dancing around me then threw her arm around me. "Was it good? Was he big?" She placed her head on mine. "Yes, now leave it alone." I grabbed Miguel so I can change his diaper. Once I was finished I put him back where Leilani was. I went back in my room and Ace was knocked out laying on his stomach with his arm stretch out. 

I picked our clothes off the floor from last night, and laid next to Ace. I put his arm over me because he had it in my area. I looked through my messages and Navarro wanted me to attend some meeting that was in  30mins. I really didn't want to go, but if I didn't he would've came to my house again. Ace turned over and put his head in my lap, and I looked at him and just ran my fingers through his hair. Jax called me 32 times since the day I kicked his ass. I'm still not ready to talk to him. Aurora, Ricky, and Mateo send me pictures of the trip and I send them pictures of Miguel. I told Mateo that we will have to move again soon, but I'll let them choose the place and state that we live in. Ace phone started to ring and I grab it and look at it. "Ace, wake up your dad is calling." He grabbed the phone but ignored it. "Talk to him. You only have one father in this life." He just laid there and continued to lay there. "Call him back or no more sex." He got up and went to the bathroom. After a few moments I hear him yelling in Japanese then a loud rash. I ran into the to see if he was okay. "Is he okay?" Leilani asked. "I told him to call your dad. Think this was my fault." I tell her. "No, it's my dad's." She grabbed the phone and started talking to her dad. 

"I'm sorry, Miki." He hugged tight. "It's not you. I needed that, but he's just impossible sometimes." Leilani gave Ace his phone back and said something to him then left the bathroom. "I need to speak Japanese. I love the culture, the language, the food, and the people. So, will you teach me?" He picked me up and put me on the counter next to the sink. "I will. Why are you so adorable?" I put my two index fingers on each side of my cheek and twisted it around with a smile. He put his hands over his chest and gasped. "See that's cute." I hear the door bell ring then I put my hands on his shoulders so he can get me down from the counter. "Who's at the door?" I asked, but then Anela called out to me. I went downstairs and Ace stayed in the room with Leilani and Miguel. I went to the front door and saw Navarro and other people standing behind him. "What do you want?" He grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out the house. "Dude I don't have no shoes on. Where are we going?" He threw me in the car and we drove all the way to his house. "You could at least give me new clothes." He walked into his house and me right after. "Luna has clothes and shoes." He said. "Fuck that." I go into the bathroom closet to Luna's room, and opened up the cabinet under the sink and moved the board from the wall to grabbed the bag I hid a while ago. I changed clothes and put a gun close to my ankles and another in the back of my jeans.  

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