Chapter Twelve: More losses

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I lost my mom to drugs, my dad to alcohol, my bestfriend to a guy, and myself to the cartel. I'm scared of losing anyone else in my life, and that's why I refuse to let anyone else in. I don't want to lose anymore people, and it scares me everytime get closer to Jax, Jace, Miki, or Leilani. I panic, and I push them away because I don't want to lose anyone else.

"Hey so we trading partners, and I know you want to be with me. But you're going with Chino this time." Jax says cleaning his gun. "Thank God I got Chino because I cannot stand Juan sometimes." We both get ready, and meet the guys out front. "Juan Jax take care of each other okay? I got Chino's back so no worries." Chino and I have a brother and sister relationship. Before Navarro moved him he use to come over all the time to watch us. Chino was the big brother I never had.

At the site Chino and I had to take out guards, and cover the rest of the guys. Everything was going smoothly, and we was almost done. I end up getting a sharp pain in my chest. "Chino something's off. You don't think this is too easy?" He paused, and looked around. "Sí I think it's a trampa." He said. We try to call the guys everyone answered except Juan and Jax. We go and try to find them, and then we hear gun shots.

My heart drops, and I run towards it. Chino trys to stop me then I see Juan on the floor bleeding. Then I see Jax on his knees facing me. "Scar leave! Chino take her and leave!" He yells. Chino pulls me back, and I try to fight him. As soon as I grab for my gun Jax was shot 6 times. I screamed, and drew my gun, and opened fire on them. I reloaded my gun, and end up getting shot in the arm. Omar, Chino, Jesus, Paco, and Diablo joined in on the killing.

I completely lose it, and empty every bullet in my gun. I save the guy who shot Jax and Juan. Chino said that we should bring him back to the hotel and put him in a separate room. We grabbed him, Juan, and Jax then left. Jesus and Paco stayed back to get the extra products Navarro wanted. Chino dropped Jax and Juan off at the emergency entrance.

The rest of us went back to the hotel. I checked my phone, and waited for the hospital to call me. Jax and I were each others emergency contact. Chino was Juan's, and not only because of the cartel. They was also brothers, and Navarro made them partners because their parents lived and died through the cartel. Diablo and I was torturing the guy, and Chino pulled me away after I stuck a knife through his shoulder.

"Calm down come on let's go." I wiped the blood off my hand, and sat down. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To the hospital they called me, and I'm bringing you with me. You're like my little sister so they shouldn't suspect anything." He responded. I went to go change out my bloody clothes and into new ones. Chino and I rode all the way to the hospital.

The doctor told us that Juan hasn't woke up yet. They also asked if we knew Jax. "Yeah that's my little sister classmate, and somewhat boyfriend." I looked at Chino, and wondered how he knew Jax and I was together. They said that Jax had more bullets that Juan, and that he was still in surgery. He was hemorrhaging a couple of times, but it's still unclear if he will make it or not.

Tears fell down my face, and my heart felt like it was breaking in a million pieces. Chino helped sat me down, and went over to Juan. I was silent the whole time then chino sat next to me to make sure I was okay. "How did you know Jax and I was a thing?" He laughed then looked at Juan. "You was never good at keeping secrets from me. Plus on your last job Navarro sent me and Juan to clean up the mess. I went to checked on you, and I heard you guys having sex." We laughed, and I put my hand over my face.

"I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry ChiCho." I said. After and hour of sitting with Juan the doctors came in, and told us that Jax was out of surgery. I ran to his room, and he was sleeping. The doctors said that he was in a coma, and they wasn't sure when he'll wake up. They was about to notify his parents, but I told them not to. His parents knew about the cartel, and they said if he get hurt they were going to the police. Chino and I stayed in with them.

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