Chapter Seventeen: Miracles

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Miracles only happen to people who are looking for one or pray for one. I rarely have miracles to happen in my life. Life hit me hard and it never give me a break. I don't expect anything to happen to me because all the good I did because that good don't cover all the bad I've done. That's why I just live without hope, expecting, and wanting more out of life than I deserve. I only had one miracle happen in my life, and other than that one time things only happened if they benefited Navarro. My life has been a game to him, and he has gambled it more than I can count. To me miracles don't exist, and I will not think otherwise. Every time I wish for "Hope" I get the opposite, and that's why I stopped. 

"She felt like feeling nothing cold like a touch of water empty like the wine bottles that took up space in her room a summer of mistakes led her here a bed filled with loneliness and a heart tired of breaking she felt like feeling nothing she grew tired missing you." I read out loud. "Damn that was deep who's the author again?" Anela asks. I hand her the book, and she examined it. "R.S. Sin, they don't use punctuation which would've bother me if they haven't wrote such damn good book." I tell her. It was days after my court date. Anela and I was going to pick up my siblings. "Agreed. Oh right so I found this cute ass apartment near Jackals Palace and there is this house in Memphis." Anela says.

"Memphis sounds so far away yet so amazing! I'll take a trip there when I send Aurora to her dad's side and the boys to ours." I said. "Speaking of the demons. Hey losers get in we have something to tell you!" Anela said. I saw Leilani standing outside by herself, and Ace usually picks her up on time or right when we get here. I came late today so I wonder what happened to him. "Leilani do you need a ride?" I yell from the drivers seat. She shrugs her shoulders, and I motion for her to get in the car. "Where's your brother? You can stay with us until we find him." I tell her, and she looks as if she was going to cry. "You guys want to go and get some food outside of town." I ask. "Didn't you say you have to talk to us about?" Mateo asked. "Yeah we can do it on the way." Anela said. As we was going down the road Anela was explaining that we went to and why. "So why you telling us this." Ricky said. "Well the judge want to talk to you guys and see do you want to live with me and how is living with me so far. I don't know entirely, but he'll just ask you guys questions. Hopefully we can move to Memphis or something." I said.

"Are you fucking stupid? What about mom, and my friends? What makes you think that we want to live with you?" Ricky says. "Dude why are you so fucking rude? Mom is too busy getting high on drugs and drunk to even give you a second thought! She only back so Navarro can give her dick and money. She don't give a shit about us, but Mariana do!" Mateo yelled, and I rarely see Mateo angry because he usually just brush it off. Mateo was really angry at Ricky this time because for the rest of the trip he said nothing. We arrived at the restaurant and sat down and ate I was silent along with Mateo. I really didn't talk until Anela pointed out that Luna was here. "I really hope she don't come over here. I'm not in the mood to deal with her."  I said. Of course she was with her dad and they didn't see us until they was leaving. "Hey Mariana. How are things I haven't talked to you in forever. How is Jax? Do you know what hospital he is at?" She said. "No I don't and I'm good." I tell her and I got a phone call, but ignored it. "Can we hang out like we use to and just forget about all the stuff we said to each other that we didn't mean." Luna tell me. 

"I didn't say anything I don't mean or that wasn't true. I'm good like I said." I ate my food and ignored her and she walked out. "You cold as hell, but I understand why you won't go back like y'all used to." Anela said. After we finish eating we left and went home. Lucille was there and surprisingly she haven't left yet. "Told you mom wouldn't leave this time." Ricky said as he ran to her. A two days passed, and We had to go to court. Lucille was still here, and I told her that they had doctors appointment. Anela said something to Ricky so he was oddly nice today. When we got to the court room we sat down, and Leilani was still with us because we couldn't find Ace. It was a long wait in court, and then we had one case in front of us. They was bringing him from the back. Leilani stood up and gasped. "Ace?" I looked up and saw him then he made eye contact with me then Leilani. He turned his head and looked at the judge. "You are here today because you beat a guy so bad that he ending up into the hospital. You been in Jail for two days and this is your first offense so I'll let you off, but you can't come in 500 feet of him again or you'll be arrested again. You said he was harassing a girl and there is evidence so that's why you didn't do longer time, but be careful next time. I'll hate to see someone like you back in jail, case dismissed." Judge Martin said. 

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