Chapter Twenty-Two: My Baby

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Remember when I said I'm more like Jax than I care to admit, I meant emotionally. I have a hard time opening up, and admitting my feeling. Even when I was with Jax I couldn't tell him how I would feel. At one point he just knew, but I guess along the way he forgot how to be that person for me. Now, I have Ace in my life and I can't tell him how I feel or kiss him myself. Ace always the one that kisses me or tell me how he feels. I can't do that and I try my hardest to meet him half way.

Graduation was four months ago, and I've been at home making plans and not getting out much. "Hey, lets go walking today." Anela stood there fidgeting. "What's wrong?" She sat next to me and helped me start making calls. "You've been obsessing over Navarro. What you tell him?" I answered a phone call before I responded to Anela, and then got excited. I hung up the phone and turned to Anela. "I got the shipment Navarro was trying to get for TWO years!" Anela looked at me confused and I stood up to gather everything I needed. "You're happy for getting guns for Navarro? You're giving him the opportunity to kill again!" She yelled. I stopped and sat down. "That shipment is how I can kill Navarro, and I'm going there personally to over see it. The shipment is not for him, it's for me." I said, and she got up and helped me with my things. "Where are we going? I'm not letting you do this along, especially since you're carrying my God child." We left late that night and drove fours hours to go meet with them. "Chino, Juan! Hey, guess you guys couldn't leave this lifestyle." I hug them and they touched my belly. "Yeah, but they actually treat you like family here. Speaking of family, who's the dad?" He said, then Anela and I spoke at the same time. 

"Ace" She said. "Jax" I said. "Jax is the bio-dad, but my boy Ace is the actual father. He's been there for peaches since she told him she was pregnant. Not to mention that they make a cute couple." Anela tells him. "Yeah, well that sound like Jax, and Ace sounds cool. Oh, by the way you're meeting him today. It's just going to take a minute."  I walked in his office and sat down. "Aye, yo Ace is blowing up our phones." Anela tells me. "Then answer it, and tell him." A familiar man came into the room. I stood up and stared at him while he was talking. "Yeah Mari is like family to me, she's legit." Chino said. He looked at me and went into his office. "So you want me to send a shipment to you, and in return I get the man who was responsible of my wife's death."  When he said that something clicked in my head. "You're Miki's dad? I knew I recognized you, but yes that gun shipment can give you what you want." I said. Meeting him ran longer than expected, but everything was perfect. Anela and I drove back home, and Ace was waiting up for us. "You could've at least gave me a heads up." He walk up to me and give me a long tight hug. 

"I met your dad today." Anela laughs at me and walk away. "God, what he say?" He helped me to the couch so I can sit. He made sure my feet is up, and gave me a sip of his water. "He is super nice, and funny. He seems like the scary type when you first meet him, but Chino said that you have to warm up his cold heart." He laughed, but with a slight attitude. "Are you okay?" I asked him, and  he got up then left. I wanted to go after him and ask what's wrong, but my feet felt numb from the swelling. I stayed on the couch and Anela came down, and we drifted asleep together. We woke up in the morning, and Ace is cooking breakfast. "Hey, tell your husband to not put berries in my pancakes." Anela says. "He's not my husband, and I don't like him like that." I got up and Anela starts to laugh. "You like him. Every time he say some sweet shit or when you want to say something to him that's sweet. You change the subject cause you're scared to say something. You think it's going to end up like you and Jax. He's not like him peaches." 

Ace came in the living room, and dragged us in the kitchen. "You need to eat, and Anela you have to meet your parents soon. So, grab a plate and stuff your face." He left the room without saying anything else. "What's up with him?" Anela ask. "I don't know. He's been weird since yesterday." I said. After I ate I went to take my siblings to the Airport. I'm letting them go to see Aurora's fathers family since they didn't go this summer. I can't go this time because I'm 8 months, and can't fly. We are at the airport, and Mateo looked mad. "It's only a week Teo. You'll be back, and I'm sorry." He hugged me anyway, and Ricky and Aurora joined in. "You get a pass because you're pregnant, but next year I'm dragging you myself." He says. They got onto the plane and Ace said goodbye to them and drove me home. "Hey, you want to stop by somewhere and get song thing to eat? There is this Chinese restaurant that I think you'll like." I sat my seat back because I felt uncomfortable, and rub my belly. "Yeah, that fine. As long as we order dumplings." We arrived and he opened my door. "Are you ready?" He helped me out the car water start going down my leg. I had a long sundress on with sandals, so Ace couldn't see what I felt. 

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