Chapter Fourteen: Decisions

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"You're lucky, you're the favorite, you don't have to ask/worry about anything ." I've been hearing this since I was Ten. Everyone including Luna have been saying this to me. Everyone think Navarro spoiled me, but in reality he always had me doing something for the cartel in return. I never was spoiled I had to earn everything. There was days that I didn't eat just so my siblings can, and I never did anything for me. It was always for them.

It's Christmas eve my siblings, Anela, and I are packing our thing to move. I'm in my room, and take off my shirt. I still have a lot of bruises on my body, and my side still hurts. Anela barges into my room. "What the hell!" I shut and lock my room door, and try to quiet her down. "What the fuck Madi. What happened?" She asked. "It's nothing Nel I'm okay." She touched my bruises, and frowned. "Did my uncle do this? Is he hitting you again?" I slowly put on my shirt, and laugh.

"He never stopped Nella, and I just kept you guys out of it." She was about to preach to me, but I stopped her. "Nel I'm okay just stay out of it please. Don't even bring this up to my siblings ESPECIALLY Mateo." She agreed then I left, and I went to go see Jax again. Ace was at the hospital with his sister, and he smiles at me. "Hey so I got the video tape from that day." We've been looking for the tape of the day when his mom died. "Next time tell me at home please." I said walking into Jax's room.

I sit on Jax bed, and I comb his hair with my hand. I stayed with Jax over night, and read books that I need done before school starts. I wish I can stay all the time, but I can't, I'm at ease though so I can focus on my reading. I end up falling asleep on page 114 on my second book, and I woke up to Mateo standing over me. "Hey, it's time to wake up. You can't stay here all day Madi, and Jax would want you to have fun during the holidays." I sat up, and saw Jess, Jace, and my siblings standing in the doorway. We all use to spend Christmas together the twins father is the most heartless person on holidays especially since their mom died. So that's why every Christmas since we was 11 we've spent it together.

"Are we going to Kyoto's or Valentina's?" I asked then I got showered then got dressed. "It's Jesse's turn to choose actually, but dude please don't choose a disgusting place again." Mateo said. "Dude 'The Sliver Dime Skillet' is not disgusting it. It's just out dated and before your time." He replied. We all groaned in disagreement because the Sliver Skillet is really disgusting it hasn't been the same since the owner sold the place, but thankfully he picked Kyoto's, which by the way is the best Japanese place outside of town. "I invited Ace and his sister so they should be here in less than 30 minutes." Jace informed us.

Later they came, and we enjoyed a meal together. "To bad Luna didn't come, but you guys are fighting." Jess said. "At least she told you guys, but anyway it's my turn to choose the movie. Are you guys ready?" I really don't like talking about Luna and I petty arguments. Especially since she's the one starting with me for no reason. Luna always says "I hate my dad, and I wish my mom would leave him. I wish that he wasn't my father or I wish he was dead."

In reality when her dad says something she'll believe it, and be the one who is ready to fight anyone for him. "Okay so are we going to theater or at home movies?" Jace asked. Don't get me wrong the theater is great and has all the new movies out, but it's something about being in the comfort of your own home. "I got all fast and the furious 1-8 on DVD at home, or we can try Netflix or hulu if you guys want?" I reply. I look around at everyone, and they agree.

"Hey can we talk for a second?" Jace asks as he pulls me away from the group. "Is it important?" I kinda already knew what it was about, and he knows I don't like talking about it. "I just want to ask where I messed up at that's it. I mean we was doing good and I love you I'm still going to fight for us." He said. "Jace I've told you plenty of times that there is no us, and that I can't love you like you love me. I hate to hurt you like this you know I don't, but I don't love you." I say as I walk away. Regardless of what anyone say I hate when I hurt someone.

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