Chapter Sixteen: My Days with Anela

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Anela is my favorite person, and she is very underestimated every time. She's quiet like me, but she observe EVERYTHING about a person. She is quite badass, and Navarro uses her when he needs her. She always been in the cartel her whole family is, but she really is not interested to stay in it either. Her parents moved to start the "business" in Florida and she stayed to finish school, but plan on disappearing after high school. Anela is the only person I count on. Her and Jess he had my back when no one else did. That's why whenever they need anything I'll move mountains to give it to them.

"Hey so after you left she went to go get some more drugs and got arrested. They was about to call CPS, but I told them they had you. Before you ask yes he is new." Anela said. I walked up to an officer, and then I asked to see my siblings. Luckily they was busy because of a shootout that they had so I didn't have to wait long. "Hey I'm here for the Carson siblings. Are they still here?" As the cop was watching the TV of the now named gang shootout he just told someone to get my siblings. The good thing about Navarro having cops in the cartel is that when I ask for my siblings they just give them back. "Where is that pendeja anyway? And what happened with idiot one and idiot two, and what does it have to do with me?" I say as I wait for them to come out. "Well your mom is still locked up she'll probably get out when Navarro gets here. Jace and Ace is another story, but they are both at home now." Jess said. "Thank God. Are you guys okay?" I asked. 

They nodded their head and I turned to see Navarro through the glass window talking to the chief of police. "Let's go like now." I said. Later, we arrived at a hotel and Aurora looked around in confusion. "Why are we here? Are we not going home?" Aurora said.  "Because of mom you guys can go back tomorrow, but we staying here tonight." I said. "Why can't you just get along with her for once. It's so annoying when you guys argue." Ricky said. I turned and left the room. Honestly they only see my mom trash me like once every blue moon. I don't blame them for taking her side she's a manipulative asshole who twist a story to get her way. When they defend her I just say nothing, and walk away. The next morning I woke up, and got ready for school. Things was going as they should Ricky and Teo arguing over the shower because they both woke up late. Aurora being pick of how she wants her hair, and the twins are blowing up my phone although they're the one who is picking us up today, and Anela is on her phone with her parents.

"YOOOOOO who is ready for this hell whole we call school? What's up Nella who got your attention?" Jess said. She turned her phone towards him then continued talking. "Hey sis what's wrong?" He said to me hugging me from the side with one arm around me. I wrapped both of my arms around his waist, and laid my head on his chest. "I'm drowning dude, and I feel like I can't breathe. I don't know how to deal with this." I said, Jess turned to me and gave me a full bear hug. "I hate seeing you like this, but I got you anything you need just say it." He said then Miki and Leilani walks in. "Hey are yall ready?" Miki said. Jess went to drag Ricky and Teo out the bathroom. "Oh are you driving with us?" I asked. "No actually you are riding with us." He said. I looked confused, and then looked at Jace. "Jess said you needed a break from them so we dropping them off." I hugged and thanked him then Jesse. 

"Nella you're going with me or the twins?" I knew the answer to the question, but I said it out loud so she can get off the phone with her parents. "Thanks for that they was decorating my room and I'm not even fucking there yet." She said. We left but stopped to get breakfast on the way. "I'm so happy to finally got back to my old school with you. I hated Sherwood high I barely knew people there. Plus Sherwood don't have you there, and now we can go back to how it was before my parents was being assholes." Anela said. She was always the one whom I was most myself with at school. We grabbed our food, and then ate outside in Miki's car until the first bell ranged. Anela was asking Miki a lot of questions about his life, and I just sat there listening while playing a game on my phone. 

My Way OutOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz