Chapter Eight: After math

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When I was younger and needed a lot of money that could cover the bills. I would go to Mr. Navarro, and he would let me to a small job for the cartel. At first it was drug deliveries, then it was guns, and then I had to go around getting money from people that owed him. I had to do a lot worse than that, and that's when Florida happened. That's why I why I had to stop.

"Hey can I speak to Javier. He should be in his office." I spoke over the phone waiting to hear from him. "Qué pasó?" He said. "Hey Pa it's me." I hear people talking in the background, and he is breathing heavily. "You need to call me back in a few minutes. I need you here tomorrow with la familia." He said I agreed then hung up the phone.

"You cut your hair." I turned to find Miki standing behind me. "Uh yeah guess I wanted a change." I replied. He steps closer to me to touch my hair. "It's cute I like it." He said then we stood there in silence for a few seconds. We was already outside so I went towards the bouncy house. Miki follows me as I lay down inside the bouncy house, and he lay next to me.

"You want to say what's on your mind? I'll just sit here and listen." Miki says to me. I don't say anything I just lay there. "Well Lani said you helped her with girl stuff? I just want to thank you I just don't know how to talk to her with things like that." He said. "It's cool I would want someone to talk to my brothers about stuff I don't know about myself."I replied.

We continued to lay there, and then Miki sat up. He took a deep breath then looked at me. "It must be hard taking care of all your siblings. Do Luna's dad help you out, and if that's getting in your business again just tell me to back off." He said. "It is honestly, but yeah he help sometimes. He owns a few clubs one here, Tennessee, California, and Florida. So whenever I need money I just go there, and borrow some. He recently opened a restaurant also, and I work there." I said.

It's not a complete lie. I do work there, and go to the clubs if I need money. I just left out the part about me being in the cartel form time to time. "You're really amazing you know that? You did a good job with your siblings too." He told me. I laughed then rolled my eyes, and continued to look up. "That's funny you're the first one to say that. The rest of my family think that we're screw ups like our mom."

He place his hand gently on my shoulder, and looked me in my eyes. "Dude you're not a screw up none of yall are. You just got a lot of shit to handle." He said. I sat up, and thanked him. I began jumping, and doing flips trying not to get too deep into my life. "So Lei told me that your mom passed, but she said nothing about your dad." I said hoping he will give me a little insight on his dad. "Yeah cause he has been busy with work since my mom died. We used to move around a lot, but my mom wanted to stay in LA so we did." He said.

He began to jump with me, and when I'll do a flip he'll look at me then do one himself. "Oh so what made you guys move here?" I asked. "She died, and he decided not to stay. So we moved here, but the looks of it we're going to be here for a while." He said. If he stay here Mr. Navarro will for sure have them killed. "How do you like it here? The town I mean." I questioned. "I mean it's cool, but hella cold. I like the people too." He said with a smirk on his face.

I stopped jumping, and look at him slightly blushing. "Oh my fucking gosh. You like someone do you? You're blushing! Is it someone at school?" I asked. I typically get excited in other people love life because the lack of love in my life. "No I don't like her. She's just something different than what I'm used to." He said. I stopped jumping, and walked close to him. "Tell me her name. Do I know her?" He laughed, and also stopped jumping.

"Look who's being nosey now." As he was about to continue talking. Jess, Jace, and Luna came in to start jumping too. "So you guys was just going to have fun without us?" Jace said as he picked me up, and started to jump. We literally was jumping and flipping around in the bouncy house until they came to get it. Jess, Jace, Miki, and Leilani stayed over the whole weekend. This time we all slept in the living room together.

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