Chapter Five: Luna's POV

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"Dude she went like crazy on him for no reason at all. All he did was ask questions, and yeah some was probably too personal. That still doesn't give her a reason to freak out like that." I tell Jesse. We are walking down the street with his arm around me.

"Maybe she's going through something that she can't talk about right now. You know how she is Lun. She usually don't talk about the heavy stuff even if it's crushing her." He said, and he has a point. But Madi has to learn how to control her anger. Jesse and I part ways at my house were he was meeting his brother and Ace.

"Yo sista!" Jace yells from the jeep, and I see Ace in the passenger seat. I run up to the car to say hi to Jace and Ace. "Hey guys are you guys going clubbing tonight for yall birthday" I ask. "Nah me, the twin, and Ace just doing something small. I don't want to celebrate my birthday. I just wanted a car, and that's what I got!" Jace said.

Ace looked at me with a beautiful smile that made me weak inside. "So this is your spot?" He asked. "Yeah. You should come in, and visit sometime." I softly spoke. He softly laughed, and cleared his throat. "Uh yeah sure." Jace and Jess was teasing us in the back. I felt myself blushing because my cheeks was getting hot.

"Okay! Stop flirting we got to go." Jesse said. Jace gave me a look before driving off then I turn and see Pa standing behind me. "So that's the pendejo that mija has to deal with?" He said. He think of Mariana more as a daughter than me, and it angers me. It has always been like that Mariana wanted to learn how to shoot, and fight he was always so proud of her.

He forced me to learn too, and if I didn't catch on as fast as her I'll be basically disowned. This one time they both went on a trip to Florida, and he came back happy as ever. Mariana came back different she was still my best friend, but she will not talk about the trip.

"Ma! Dónde estás?" I called out. "Aquí mi amor. Oh you're home, but is this permanent or temporary?" She asks. I wasn't sure I was mad at Mariana yes, but not as mad to come home. "Temporary ma just coming to get some clothes. I'm not coming back until pops choose familia over cartel." I stated.

My mom kiss and hug me then told me my dad will come around, but he never does. My brothers are lucky they live on the other side of the world, and away from him. I'm stuck with him until next year. "Hola princesa." Jax said he comes over every once and a while because he is a part of my dad's cartel.

"What you doing in my room Jax?" I said. He got up off my bed, and he is so terrifying to me. "I'm looking for Ana. You guys are usually attached to the hip. I need a tutor, and she's the best. " He said. I hate talking to him, or even being next to him I have no idea how Mariana do it. "We having a party for Jesse today at her house just show up there." I blurted out. She's going to kick my ass, but I'm going to try to fix that.

"Oh okay well see you at the party." He said and walked out. "Oh yeah..yep I'm dead Mariana is going to kill me." I said to myself. At the party I try to find Mariana, and tell her Jax is coming. "Ouch!" "Omg! I'm so--- Sherry? You're here?" I said. I found Teo talking to a girl. "Hey hey where is your sister?" I asked.

"What did you do?" He said. He is literally the smartass the family that can get on your nerves, and you can get along with them. "It is a Jax thing." I said. "You invited him? She's going to kill you." He said pointing towards the backyard. I run to the backyard, and I find her in the bouncy house.

"Madi!! 911!! You're going to want to kill someone!" I yelled she got out then catches her breath. "Yeah wassup? Wait is he here already?" She questioned. "Ummm no, but you'll be pissed for sure. Jax was at my house looking for you, and I panicked so now we having an extra person at the party. Then I bumped into Sherry, and I know Jess and Jax not necessarily besties. So I'm sorry." I say in one breath.

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