Chapter Four: Day One With Ace

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People can get curious and a little nosy. They ask you all types of questions, and sometimes telling them is hard. People only show what what they want you to see. That's because they kees things inside that they don't want people knowing. People also keep secrets, and lie to manipulate others to get their way. No one really knows anyone because most people hide who they truly are.

"Me, Ace, and Jason going to some place where they have a live band on weekends." Jesse said. Honestly that was a great cover because Jace knows about the party, and Jess loves live bands. "Cool. So is Miki I mean Ace cool? Like are yall buds now?" I asked. "I mean yeah we are, but don't worry you will always be my favorite. No need to be jealous, and question my loyalty to you." Jesse said.

We was thinking two totally different things, but I just let him think what ever it's none of his business. We went to the taco shop to meet up with Luna. "Wassup LUNAtic." Jesse said then laugh. "I hope you guys choke on a taco for calling me lunatic. Oh so um this weekend are we still up for girls night?" Luna says. I nod my head yes and she looks at Jesse. "You're cool with that now?" She continues.

I put my head on his shoulders and fake cry. "Lulu our boy has grown up he had made a friend." I said then she gasped, and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever dudes it's no big deal. I had friends before I just don't fuck with fake people." He said. Luna nodded her head, and I continued to lay my head on him and eat. "That's why you got us, and we got you." Luna said.

Later Luna and I went to my house to set up for the party. Luna had stayed with us since she yelled at her dad. "Hey babe you got a text!" Luna yelled. I ran downstairs to get it. "Oh shit its probably the cake. Hey toss it to me." I said. I look at my phone and it was from "Ace".

Ace: "Hey. I'm at the taco shop are you coming?"

Me: "Crap I totally forgot. Do you mind just meeting me at my house? 9235 Vista cove.

Ace: "Yeah no problem I'll be there in 5."

Me: "Thanks, and again I am so sorry."

"Okie dokie so slight change of plans. We having a visitor and I'm going to have to split myself in two. Call me if you absolutely need me." I said. Luna tapped me and leaned over the kitchen counter. "Who's coming over?" She whispered. "Miki... Ace" I said. I keep forgetting no one knows him by Miki.

"Madi! The lights not cutting on!" Aurora said. "My job is never done." I told Luna then went into the backyard. "Who set these up? You did Rora or was it Teo?" I questioned. "We both did why what happened?" She asked. "You both are idiots then. You see this it's called a switch you push this up to turn it on." I said then she threw confetti at me.

"You threw me a party?" Miki said. I turned around to find him smiling at us with is his hands in his front pockets. "Oh no this is for Jesse. His birthday tomorrow. You and his brother taking him out so we can finish decorating." I said. "Madi! Hey dude I called the cake place. They fucked up our order annnnddd it's not going to be ready until tomorrow." Luna said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I grabbed Miki, and then the phone. "Okie dokie so you can bring out the material for school. I'm going to talk to the caterer and the cake place." I said. "You mean yell at the cake place." Mateo said, and I hit him. "Smartass, but hey did you make sure Ricky did his homework. I really don't feel like fighting with him." I said.

He turned around and gave me the thumbs up then went over there with Luna. "He is an old man in a kid's body. He really think he has a chance and it's sad." Aurora said. "He'll get over it hopefully. He knows that she's too old for him." I said. Then she got into Miki's face. "You look familiar do you have a sister or brother?" Aurora said.

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