Chapter Twenty-One: Fighting

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I never understood why people get angry at the drop of the hat. Everyone irritates me but I don't blow up about it. People get mad over petty things and they usually end up fighting. Jax is the angriest person I've met he can be so loving, sweet, and the boy of your dreams. If he gets mad he can be the most spiteful, cold, and bitchy person ever. Ricky is the same way and I hate that he's that way. Honestly, fight get you nowhere and it's useless especially if you're fighting for something that's not important.

"What the hell is going on?" Anela asked. "They are fighting, and I got tired of yelling." I replied. She jumped over the couch avoiding their punches then she came over to me, and leaned on me. "We got to stop it, right?" She tilted her head and bit her lip. "Don't tell me this is turning you on? Gross, Nel what is wrong with you?" I said pushing and laughing at her. "I don't know, it's something about two guys fighting over a girl is hot. Especially if they're sweaty and bloody, but come on, you get Ace and I get Jax." She grabbed Jax and then I grabbed Ace. "Jax, go in my room, and Ace you go to with Leilani. I don't want you to look at each other or even breathe in each others direction." I felt a sharp pain in the side of my belly, but I ignored it just so I can settle things. "What the hell Jax, you do not have a right. I've called you perpetually so I can keep you involved, but you didn't give a shit. So he stepped up, and he was updated with my doctor appointments." I tell him. "It's just a doctors appointment. Nothing really happens at those, so I don't think it matters." He sat on my bed wiping what he think is sweat from his forehead. 

I went into my bathroom and grab my first aid kit. "You need stitches at least four, but the appointments for me was important. It's my first child and Sherry's second." I clean up his wound, and stitch it up. "She lost that kid Mariana." He defended. "Yeah, she did sadly, but that was her being irresponsible. This is my first kid, and I might lose it before it's even born." I stood up and walk out the room then came back. "You was there for me for every single thing I was scared to face. I never showed I was scared, but now I am scared and showing it. I needed you and you wasn't there, he was."I placed both of my hands on my knees, and started to breathe. "I want you to get out, and don't come back unless it's about the baby." I stood up and walked out the room, and into Ricky's and Mateo's room. "What the hell is your problem?" I yelled. "Well, a lot of things actually. I got shot and I can't throw a football, play chess, or left up a pencil." Mateo says while trying to write with his right hand. "Mateo out! That question was for you by the way." I sat down next to him to fix his bloody mouth. 

I grabbed his lower face and turned it towards mine. "Looks like just a busted lip. No broken teeth, just a little swollen and a cut. I get that he hit you first, but then you guys kept fighting.  You're usually more level headed than this Ace." I kept cleaning his lip and he stopped my hand. "I'm never level headed when it comes to you." He got up and looked in the mirror then he tried to clean his mouth his-self then I snatched the paper towel from him. "Stop it! You're cleaning it wrong. What did you mean when you said that I make you less level headed?" I stood on my tip toes a little, and to try and reach his mouth. Then he picked me up from under my arm like a little toddler and put me on the dresser. "Ugh, don't ever do that again. Now, answer my question." I continued to clean the blood off his face. "That Jose dude, I'm guessing someone you know in the past. I saw him harassing you and Anela when I skipped my first few classes one day, and it pissed me off. So I beat him up, and that how I ended up in jail."

"You're an idiot, and you'll need about 2 or 3 stitches. Stay still and try not to cry, and now you can hand me my box?" I stretched my back and then he gave me the the box. Then I began stitch him up. "Well at least I know you can fight and take a hit." He laughed softly, and put his hands on the dresser. "I learned how to fight when I was a kid. Did you forget I was raised in a Mafia. Ow!" He moved back, but I pulled him closer. "Stop moving, or I'm going to hurt you even more, and I'm not talking about the needle." I finish my last stitch and looked at it. "Do I look different? You still find me attractive do you?" He looked at me and smiled then stared me in the eyes. "Get me down from here, I'm starving." He picked me up, kissed me on cheek, and then put me down. "You got to stop that. I got other things to focus on right now." I exposed my belly then walked out the room. Two months has past and it's close to graduation. "Three days, until I leave for good!" Anela screams. "Yeah, rub it in my face that you're leaving me." I say while walking to the couch and sitting down. 

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