Nataniel walked around the room as the man continued filling up his glass.
" That is Blue Carter."

I suddenly realised Blue looked nothing like how I remembered him in the magazines. He used to look like a Spanish prince and yet here he was.
Looking sick.

" How long has he been like this?"
Nataniel frowned at me " You won't know this Light, but Blue's wife was murdered two years back. It was hidden very well but the court did blame Blue, pinning it on marital disputes. He's continued to deny it and he's managed to avoid prison. But this is how he lives now."

The room was still full of old furniture and things but the mess sprawled out everywhere unveiled his mental state.

Eventually he'd fallen asleep on the sofa in front of the fireplace as we left the home.

A vibration in my pocket signalled something else.

I had a missed call from Yuzuki...

I stopped Nataniel from getting in the car focusing on calling her back.

" Hello?" She called out in her heavy accent.

" Um.. Hello? You called me earlier Yuzuki."

She sighed quietly " Indeed I did mister Light. I wanted to inform you personally. Hikari sama has passed away."

I felt overwhelmed by waves of cold air.

Hikari was gone?

" I'm sorry but... When did she..."

" This morning sir, it was cold sir and we provided her with what we could overnight sir. She had been cold last night as well. We lost her this morning "

My mentor was gone. My friend gone.

I inhaled sharply trying to be strong " When is the funeral.... Is there anything I can do... For her?"
Yuzuki hummed on the other side " The funeral will be in a days time sir. I have sent a letter to your home. "

Oh great...

She continued " If you could join us for prayers and saying farewell... I think Hikari Sama will be very happy in next life."

I nodded to myself " Of course..."

I exhaled feeling miserable as I hung up the phone.

I frowned up at Nataniel. "I've got to attend a funeral soon."

Nataniel frowned at me " Someone close?"

I nodded looking back at the car.
" A friend."

Sitting in the car, the long silence left me to my own devices.

Nataniel eventually mumbled " Your father was saying you have to get a place of your own. He doesn't want you living with me."

I frowned to myself. " No I agree. I should have... Found a place instantly. I need a place to bring my kids home to."

Nataniel bit his lip " Light... I like having you with me. I can... Keep you close... Comfort you and help you when you need me."

I sighed " Doesn't change my mind Natty. I'm my own man now. For so long... I treated it like some kind of privilege and some kind of duty. I got married into the white family so I thought I have to act the part but... He wanted me to act like one of his toys.
I've got friends who are toys now but they are still different at the end of the day.
I was the one who let myself get walked all over!" I glanced up at his worried face.

" Light. Whatever you choose to do. I will be there. Promise."

I looked up at Nataniel. His face was filled with a concern I'd never seen.

I nodded silently, He was trying to be supportive. That was all I could ever ask for.

" Thank you Natty."
He pulled me in by the shoulder for a quick hug before we had to go.


On the day of Hikari's funeral I discovered they would uphold a ceremony to her religious beliefs.

This meant when I arrived, people would be given time to console the family, Prayers would be read, and there would be a chance to say goodbye. My only concern was having attended the funeral... It appeared there was one snag.

I'd arrived with Nataniel's Bodyguard Aermis.
The nurse and her family had arrived, some strangers and friends of friends...
But Hikari's circle was rather small so the fact that when I sat down I discovered I would be sat next to my husband... Irritated me greatly.

His eyes glanced once in my direction, I smiled bluntly. He continued to focus on ahead.
Some people carried out the ceremony and eventually some people began to move in single file towards the coffin.

There must have only been about twenty people here.

" Get up, stay close."

I moved forward and as he said, Nord stayed within inches of me.

Standing before her body I could now notice. The effect of the illness on her. She was thin and pale now, lifeless.

It settled in that all my luck and comfort was gone now.... And I bit my lip reminding myself she wouldn't want me in tears.

I hurriedly wiped away the tears before focusing down on her.
" Thank you for being so wonderful. A wonderful friend... "

I felt Nord's fingers brush mine, but quickly glared in his direction as he finally got off my back frowning as he moved away.

He needed to stop trying to be romantic right now. His wasn't the time or place for this!

At the end of the day I was just tired of being around Nord this long.


" Sir... She requested this to be given to you. "

Looking up an older man held out an Urn to me.

I gawped.

" I know she has no family, but what about her friends?"

He smiled " She requested that she be given over to you Sir. "

I stared at the simple looking Urn.

I got to keep Hikari's ashes?

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