Dinner was quiet. I silently sipped on some juice while Nord had his meal.

Eventually he growled " How was she?"

I frowned at him " She is fine. Comfortable and safe."

Unlike some of us
I felt like muttering

He quietly had his meal and he groaned " Our anniversary is coming up in a few months. I was wondering if there was anywhere special you would like to go together. Me... You and the kids."
I stared down at my food distracted by thoughts of Hikari.

" That's sweet of you, but right now I don't wanna think about it. We have some months. Can we wait a few weeks. I just..."

He glowered up at me meeting my gaze " She's not going to make it, is she?"

I bit my lip. The words stabbed at me.
" N... no. She's only got a few days."

He sighed " She is very old Light. Its only right that she says goodbye her own way."

" Its not fair though..."

He groaned looking me up and down.

" Life is never fair, Light."

I sighed biting my lip out of nervousness.
My mind began to wander as he continued eating in silence.
And then it came to me.

" Can we go to Japan for our anniversary?"

He went still for a moment before smiling softly to himself " Okay."

I cleared my throat " I want to be able to remember her when she's gone."

He nodded silently " I understand babe."

Better. I felt much so much better.

Honey gurgled and giggled when it was time to feed him.

I picked him up in my arms pressing the bottle to his lips.

Nord had come back to my room, and pressed a kiss to my cheeks " You're so amazing. And my babies are... So beautiful."
I smiled up at him. He did look like a proud dad whenever he marvelled at his babies.

I couldn't help but smirk.

" I love you Nord."
The smile grew on his face as he pressed another kiss to my shoulder.

" Love you."
He made his way out of my room as I slapped at Honeys back, encouraging him to burp up any air.

Putting him down, I could hear noise upstairs again.

It made me nervous now.... And I couldn't help look over the torn up notes in my wastebasket.

I bit my lip.

Quietly, I got up making sure both my sons were asleep.

The house was dead silent.

People were getting ready to sleep. It was late into the evening now. No one should be awake.

I locked my babies into the room. No one... Would hurt them.
No one.

I found myself in front of the stairway leading to the third floor. There was laughter and footsteps coming from there. Female and male voices caught me offguard and I slowly made my way upstairs. Some people passed me on the stairway and I instantly felt confused. Males and females with various styles and gender influence crept down the stairs. They glared at me on their descent before continuing on.

Something felt wrong but I'd never seen those people before a day in my life. Upstairs was dimly lit with all the doors open except one, opening this door I discovered something... Awful.

My heartbeat had began to race.
The room was big... But a mess.

It felt like being in a haunted house. It was deathly quiet on this floor I nearly expected someone to jump out at me.

My heart was racing so fast.

Looking around the room... There were things I'd never seen or used before.... Sex toys and objects... And clothes.
A book lay on the bedside table with papers folded inside.

Reading through the first few pages of the diary told me one thing.

Someone wasn't happy about me moving into this building.

A few mocks and insults were written down as it preceded to give details that... Continued to upset me.

Does he even know the clothes he wears... Are my throw aways. Mine and Elisabettas. Heh! A total Charity case slut.

I pursed my lip trying not to feel insulted... Instead I looked through the letters.

" Look, I know its not exactly Ideal for you. It was arranged by my father and there is not much else I can say. I doubt my new partner will be anything like you. You're important to me too. But there's nothing I can do. This... Naïve kid... Something or other.... Probably had this whole prince charming ideology.... I doubt he'd ever understand what you and me have."

I took a step back out when I noticed something. Stepping out of the room I remembered something else

One of the rules of people who kept Live in toys was... If they were working... They would go out leaving their door open in case their owner wanted to leave or collect anything.

A closed bedroom door meant they were within the building.

And this bedroom which had been a closed door...

Belonged to someone called Reed.

I would need to find him if he was around here somewhere.

Which made it all the more easier when I saw the worst thing ever...

Reed was exiting OUR marital room.
He was pulling along none other than my husband who was smirking to himself.

" Look hold on. Let me lock the door."

When Reed spotted me though he smiled " Hey Nord , your Husband's here."

How could he say that so casually!?
Nord shot up instantly letting go of Reeds hands, instead I could only stare down at the floor. Looking down at myself.

An idiot.

That was the right word.

I was an idiot.
An idiot to believe him.
An idiot to have been fooled all this fucking time!
I exhaled walking past the two of them.

I didn't need explanations. Hell... I already knew everything that was happening.

Yes so it wasn't clear.

But who wants to know the whole truth just for it to stab you in the back!?

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