He makes you feel unwanted

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(Y/b/n) = your brothers name

Zayn (Your age: 13) (Your brothers age: 15) - You came home from school smiling. Today was the day your dad was gonna take you to the aquarium. You never went to an aquarium so you were excited. As you walked through the door, your smile faded at what you saw. A note that read 'Be home soon, took (y/b/n) to the field to practice lacrosse. xx Dad' You frowned and went to your room. "No one remembers anything. I wish my mom was here. She'd remember." You looked up at the sky as a tear slipped down your cheek. Your mother died a year ago. It doesn't help that you feel neglected. You decided that you'd run away. You packed your bag and left a note. 'Sorry, but I can't stay here anymore and feel neglected. I'm leaving. I don't know where but don't try to come find me! (Y/n).' You grabbed another bag and filled it with food, water, and money. You grabbed your other bag and your moms picture before heading out. You ran and ran and ran until you were on a highway. You ran down the highway until you came to a little town. You looked around. You didn't know where you were, but you spotted a cute little hotel and decided to stay there. You went to the front desk. "One room please." The man behind the desk looked at you. "Are you sixteen or older?" He asked. "Well, no." He sighed. "I can't rent anyone a room who is under sixteen. Sorry miss." You frowned and walked out. You walked and walked and walked. You walked through the night, all the way until morning.

Meanwhile, back at your house.

•Zayns P.O.V•

I walked home with (y/b/n) after we finished. When we got home he went upstairs to shower. I went to start making dinner when I noticed a note and my wife's picture wasn't on the island anymore. I picked up the note and read it. 'Sorry, but I can't stay here anymore and feel neglected. I'm leaving. I don't know where but don't try to come find me! (Y/n).' Oh no.. "Y/B/N)! COME HERE!" He ran down the stairs. "Yeah?" He asked, out of breath. I handed him the note and he read it. "What? No. We have to find her!" I hugged him and he cried into my shoulder. "We will, she'll be okay. She can't be that far." I hope...

•Your P.O.V•

I watched the sunset and it rise. Ican only say one thing. I am beat! I'm so tired! I looked over and saw a little bakery. I decided to stop in. That's when I saw him. Uncle Liam was posting a missing sign with my face on it, on the wall. I quietly made my way out of the store and ran. I kept running. I stopped to catch my breath when I looked up and saw Uncle Niall in his car. I panicked and ran into an alley. I hope he didn't see me! I came out of the alley and he was gone. I need to get out of this town! I looked left and right until I realized to travel right, through the woods. I ran into the woods, over logs and under branches until I came to the other side of the woods. I recognize this place.... Bradford. Of course. This is great! *note the sarcasm* and if course I'm on my block! My neighbor saw me and her eyes widened. She quickly picked up her phone. I turned quickly and ran in random directions. I ended up in a corn field. I walked around until I came to a small lake. This should be fun...

•One Week Later•

They still haven't found me at this lake. I'm starting to regret running away.... I miss my dad and my brother and my uncles. I've run out of food and water, and my bag with my clothes slid away when it stormed. They're somewhere in the lake now. Right now I'm trying to find my way back home. I can't call anyone because my phone is dead... I'm scared, and cold. It was officially winter yesterday and the snow is already sticking! Not to mention I'm wearing skinny jeans and a tank top! My jumper ripped so, yeah. I'm freezing, dirty, hungry, and thirsty! Not to mention my hair is tangled in all different directions and- wait! Was that my dad? I looked at the man closer and saw that it was! "DADDY!" I tried to scream but my throat was dry so I just ran to him and hugged him. He turned quickly and when he saw me he picked me up and hugged me tightly. "Oh my gosh (y/n) you scared me to death! I-I thought I lost you..." I shook my head and hugged him tighter. "Please never run away again, I'll never forget anything and I'll always make sure you feel wanted." I nodded and cried into his shirt. He took me out of the woods and met up with my brother and uncles. I didn't realize how much I missed them, especially (y/b/n)! I'm never gonna run away again!

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