Zayn for Yasmin

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"Yasmin, are you okay?" Waliyha asked me for the tenth time. "My best friend just died, my boyfriend cheated and I've been getting bullied and receiving hate. But yes, I'm fine." She frowned at me. "I can help y-" "I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP!" I screamed. She flinched and nodded, going downstairs. She came back up twenty minutes later to tell me that everyone was going out. "Can you tell mom I'm sick or something? I don't wanna go." I pleaded. She smiled at me. "Yeah sure." "And Liyha? I'm sorry for earlier." She smiled wider, nodded, and left. I decided to go on twitter. I saw a pic of Zayn and Harry together backstage. I smiled sadly. I miss him so much. I looked at my notifications. '@yasminmalik why don't you just go back to where you came from?' '@yasminmalik you're so pathetic, nobody feels bad for you' '@yasminmalik nobodies jealous of you, actually we mostly feel bad for Zayn'. That was all from kids in your school. Then you saw hate from the fans. Basically the usual 'bitch' 'ugly' 'fat' 'whore' but one stood out to you, 'why don't you just kill yourself? Nobody will miss you!'. You stared at that comment for about five minutes before logging out. You decided to text Zayn to see if he'd answer.

To: Zaynie


He didn't reply. You waited thirty minutes before decided he just didn't care. You went into the bathroom and sighed. You, being new to this, took out your phone and searched 'ways to commit suicide'. They were all painful. But then you saw one that said 'tie a rope around a ceiling fan and hang yourself'. You bit your lip and grabbed a rope, tying it around the ceiling fan. You put it around your neck, thinking this through. You thought of all the hate, all the times you were bullied, your b- ex boyfriend. But mostly your best friend. "We'll be together again soon bestie." You said, kicking the chair. As soon as you did the front door open. You panicked and started heaving and coughing. Then Waliyha walked into your room. "YASMIN!!" She screamed, trying to get you down. "MOM!!" She yelled causing your mother, followed by Safaa and Doniya (did I spell that right? :/). They gasped and little Safaa started crying. When they got you down you were hardly breathing. Your mom called an ambulance while Waliyha gave you CPR. The ambulance arrived and took you to the hospital. You passed out in the hospital right before they stared operating.

When you woke up you heard someone crying. You slowly opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the light. You looked over and gasped. "Zayn..." He looked up and hugged you quickly. When he pulled back he kissed your forehead. "My baby girl... I'm so sorry. Gosh, the one time I don't answer your text you try to take your life." He whispered sobbing. You sobbed and looked at your older brother. "Zayn I-" "Why? Why did you do it?" He asked me. I frowned. "I.." I took a deep breath. "Nobody likes me. The only friend I had just died, the one guy I thought loved me just cheated, I get bullied, your fans hate me." I bit my lip to keep from crying. He looked at me. "I can't do anything about your friend and I'm truly sorry, but I can help you out with everything else." "How?""I can beat your ex's sorry arse, talk to your principal, and tell my fans to stop. The boys will tell them to stop too." He smiled at me. I smiled back. "Thank you Zaynie." He kissed my cheek. "No problem." He started to go get a doctor, I assume. "And Zayn, I love you." He wasn't facing me but I could tell he was smiling, hard. "I love you too." He called over his shoulder, walking out of the room. I guess some people really do care.

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