Marcel 3

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•Marcel's P.O.V•

I can't believe they did this. They took her virginity, her innocence. They took the one thing that she was proud to have. But it's all gone now. And it's all his fault. I hope he rots in a prison cell.

I got to the hospital and they instantly took her.

-2 hours later-

We were able to go home. Y/N was fine just she was gonna be in pain. I hate that, I hate seeing her in pain especially when there's nothing I can do. They gave her no medication or anything. When we got into the car I asked her what happened.

"They brought in a police man and started questioning me." I looked at her.

"What did you tell them? Is that douchepants gonna rot in a prison cell?" She bit her lip and looked out the window. "Y/N what did you say." She looked at her lap.

"I didn't tell them anything..." She whispered.

"What?!" I looked at her angrily. "Why the fuck wouldn't yo-" I cut myself when I heard a little whimper fall from her lips and tears falling down her cheeks. I frowned and pulled over. "Please don't cry princess. I didn't mean to yell. I just, why didn't you tell them?" I rubbed her back.

"I was scared." She looked at me. "I didn't want them to hurt me anymore. If they go to jail they're other friends will hurt me all the time. I can't go through that again." She sobbed and hid her face. I cupped her cheeks and frowned.

"It's okay baby, they better leave us alone. Or else you will report this." She nodded and I kissed her forehead. I started driving again and decided we'd stay at my house tonight. I live alone and she's here most of the time anyways.

I took her to my bathroom and took off everything she was wearing. I made a bath and set her in it. I grabbed a sponge and started to softly clean her body. She was quiet and wouldn't talk. I asked her many questions and she'd reply by shaking her head.

"Baby... Why won't you talk to me? I just want to make sure you're okay." She looked down at the water and sighed.

"There's nothing to say Marcel." She stated firmly and looked away. I frowned and grabbed a towel while helping her out. I put her in some shorts of hers and one of my shirts before laying her down. I rinsed the gel out of my hair and put on some boxer briefs and a tight black shirt. I took off my glasses and laid next to Y/N. I pulled her into my chest and she cuddled into me.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and saw Y/N getting ready for school. I jumped up and grabbed her.

"No you don't. You're staying home." She looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I can't I have an exam." I shrugged but she got angry. She looked at me and I guess I made her really upset because she went off.

"You know what Marcel? You can't tell me what to do! You're not my father. You're not my husband. You're nothing but a boy. A silly little boy who got me caught up in a bad situation. I you wouldn't of tried to help me none of this would've happened." And that's when I blew a fuse.

"If I wouldn't of helped you they probably would have gang raped you! You should be happy I was there or else you could've been hurt worse! And if I'm nothing but a boy to you then I guess we shouldn't be together." She looked at me before looking down. She grabbed her glasses and finished getting dressed and walking away. I got dressed and walked outside where she was waiting for me.

"I'm sorry.. You're not just a boy to me.. You're way more than that. I love you Marcel.. I'm sorry." I smiled and kissed we cheek showing her I understand. We got in the car and I drove to school. We walked in together and I threw Jake's keys at him. I do not want his wild thang. I was proud of myself until I felt horrible for what happened next....


Input? Sorry for spelling errors or mistakes

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