You make him cry sad tears

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Harry ( age: 7 ) - "Harry doesn't play with me anymore mommy." Anne looked down at you. "He's busy." You grumbled. "He's always busy.. he doesn't love me anymore mommy." Anne looked down at you in amazement. "(Y/n)-" "Is that really how you feel?" Harry asked you, interrupting your mom. You looked at him and nodded. "You don't love me Harry." He shook his head as tears fell down his cheeks. "That's not true bug... Hazza loves you." He said, choking up at the end. You looked at him confused. "Why is Haz crying?" You asked your mom. "Because he loves you." You looked at him. "Do you love me Hazza?" Harry nodded rapidly with tears falling onto his shirt. You hugged him and wiped his tears. "Don't cry, please?" He smiled and picked you up. "I love you y/n." You smiled. "I love you too Haz."

Niall ( age: 12 ) - You were at your dance recital, the one that you invited Niall to. He was a no show. You still performed great and got first place, but you didn't care. When you were done you grabbed your phone and called him.

You - Hey Ni.

Niall - Hey princess, what's up?

You - nothing much, just at my dance recital.

Niall - oh shit... Y/n I -

You - I don't wanna hear your excuses.

Then you hung up. You got home ten minutes later and saw Niall on the porch. He stood up and handed you a bouquet of (y/f/f). He had tear stains on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry..." He looked at you hopefully and you sighed. "You're so easy.." He smiled and hugged you. You hugged him back and you showed him your dance.

Liam ( age: 6 months ) - My mom was holding my sister, y/n, in the living room. I walked in and smiled. "Can I hold her?" She nodded and handed her to me. As soon as I touched her she started crying. I quickly handed her back to my mom. I didn't notice I was crying until my mom wiped it away. "She hates me mum." My mom shook her head. "She's just tired. She loves you." I nodded and went to my room. We'll try again later.


Hay! 30 votes, 15 comments for part two to Zayn's. ( please don't send me hate for my limits ) Have a nice day! Byee!


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