Personal for Aurora

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•Her P.O.V•

I was in my room with my girlfriend, Cara. My dad thinks we're studying.. We were at first but then I dropped my book and went to pick it up but she pulled me into her lap.. Now we're making out and both of our shirts are off. She was reaching for my bra when someone walked in. I gasped and covered is quickly as I started at my little brother in shock. "Get out!" I yelled and he ran out. Next thing I heard was. "She was what?!" And then someone stomping. I quickly put my shirt on and Cara put on hers just in time. My dad, Harry, walked in. His eyes were wild and his nostrils flared. He was beyond pissed. I gulped as he glared at me. He clenched his fist before going on a rage.

"What the hell Aurora?! You're little brother just walked in on you dry jumping someone like a slut! And not just someone, a girl! A fucking female Ar! Not only did you lie to me about studying but you lied about your sexuality? No! No child of mine is ever going to be gay or lesbian or bisexual or pan sexual or anything else! My child will be straight and date only someone of the opposite sex!" He took a deep breath. "Understand me?"

By this time I was balling. Tears rushed down my face. I could tell Cara wanted to comfort me but fear was in her eyes. I started to shake before Cara wrapped her arms around me. She looked up at my dad with the coldest stare I've ever seen her give.

"With all do respect Mr. Styles, you can't pick and choose who your daughter wants to be with. I love her and she loves me. Aren't you glad that she's happy? Or are you to worried about the paparazzi finding out your daughters a lesbian? I honestly don't think it should matter. In my opinion you yelling at her for liking someone of the same gender is complete and utter bullshit. You should be ashamed. Actually, you should feel disappointed in yourself and not Aurora." She looked at him and scoffed. "And we're not breaking up. No matter what you say."

He looked at her with a shocked expression. He had always thought she was the quiet one of my friends. Boy was he wrong. He looked between the two of us before sighing.

"You know what? Cara you're right. But not about the fact that I should be disappointed in myself but you're right about the fact that I care to much about my career. And I'm gonna stay that way. You think one little speech is gonna change my whole perspective? No. And since you want to be disrespectful towards me you will leave my property or else o will call the police."

Our jaws dropped. I can't believe him. I looked at Cara and she was already looking at me. "I'm sorry." She whispered before leaning in to kiss me softly. I sobbed into her mouth and cupped her cheeks before hugging her tightly. I felt a few tears hit my shirt and that made me cry harder. I then heard the little pads of my brothers feet running across the floor. He looked at my dad and growled.

"Daddy mean. Sissy like Cara. Cara like sissy. Why you being big meanie?" He looked at my dad and my dad raised an eyebrow. "They in wove daddy. Wike you and momma were.." He whispered that last part. I looked at my little brother shocked. I didn't even think he understood the ABC's let alone what was happening now. My dad sighed before shaking his head. "Out Cara."

She got up to leave but Henry, my little brother, started screaming at the top of his lungs. He punched my dads leg hard. "Sewfish!" He screamed and stomped his foot. "Me hate dadda!" He screamed and my dad just looked at him before signing and looking at us. He then looked out the window. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Mom would want me to be happy.." I whispered as silent tears ran down my face. He turned around and small tears were forming in his eyes.

"She would wouldn't she?" He whispered and sighed. "Fine." He shook his head. "Be happy." He smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving my room. I looked down at Henry and smiled at him. He smiled back and gave me a thumbs up before. Running out after my dad. I looked at Cara and a small giggle left my lips. She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. Nothing is stronger than love..
A/N hey guys! So I'm back to doing personals woohoo! But anyways I thought instead of making it the typical 'he supports them right away' I'd add some drama hehe.. So yeah hope you like it! Ily!

Word count: 836

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