You're little and meet the boys (1D + 5SOS)

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Louis (age: 2) - I was playing with my sister before I heard a soft knock on the door. My sister looked at me confused. "Who dat Lou?" she asked me cutely. I cooed at her. "Some of my friends I want you to meet." I opened the door and they walked in. (Y/n) gasped and run behind the couch. "Scawy!" she yelled pointing to the boys. I apologized quickly before picking her up. "No baby, they're nice, see?" I handed her to Niall. "Hey, cutie." He smiled passing her to Li, who kissed her cheek before passing her to Harry. "Hello, aren't you just the most adorable thing?" He then proceeded to hand her to Zayn. He smiled at her. "Hey baby, I'm Zayn." She smiled and touched his cheek. "Zen!" she exclaimed, making us all laugh. My sister truly is the most adorable baby ever.

Zayn (age: 1) - (y/n) wouldn't stop crying so I called the boys over. When they arrived (y/n) cried more. I could tell she was intimidated. "I don't know what to do! I tried everything!" I groaned covering my face with a pillow. "Hey kitten." I heard Harry say, then I heard the crying stop. I moved the pillow and Harry was holding her and singing softly. She was just staring at first but then she smiled and giggles, touching his nose. She eventually fell asleep and Harry wouldn't put her down!


Should I post the rest of the 1D boys and the 5SOS boys?

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