Short Stories

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So I decided to tell you guys my ideas and you choose which plot you want me to write about you in and tell me why you deserve to have that short story.


1.) ANY BOY // He's popular and you're new. He hates you, you like him. He uses you, you don't notice. It's like the preference I did with Liam for fools gold and it'll go on from there.

2.) ANY BOY // Your parents are abusive towards each other and he's your best friend. When they fight you climb out your window and walk across the street to his house, but one day you don't get out the window in time.

3.) ANY BOY // Your boyfriend is cheating and gets caught by (boy) and he tells you but you don't believe him and get into a fight. You eventually find out and go to talk to you. Will he forgive you?

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