You're being abused (Harry)

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Harry (age 15) -

You loved your brother being on break, you got to spend so much more time with him, and less with your parents. To say you hated your parents was an understatement. You see, you and Harry only have the same dad, and to say you were jealous of Harry's mother was an understatement. You longed for a mother who loved you but instead got stuck with a drug addict and an alcoholic step dad. But Harry, he adored you. He never hurt you and loved hanging out with you. Sometimes he would keep you overnight at his house for a whole week! The worst part of every day with him though, was coming home. You see, when your step dad's drunk and your moms higher than a kite they treat you horribly.. even when they're sober they treat you bad. They ask you to do ridiculous stuff, and if you do it wrong or take a long time you get punished. And by punished I mean beaten, badly. Harry never notices, you're that good at hiding it. Harry was coming to pick you up and you were so ready to leave. You were fed up with your parents. Today Jeff (you're step dad) gave you a black eye and your mom busted your lip. You tried but no amount of make up was covering it up. You thought of what you'd tell Harry and decided to tell him you got poked in the eye. He'd believe that, right? There was a knock at the front door and your mom opened it, rudely ignoring him and calling your name. You ran down the stairs and ran straight into Harry's arms. "Hazza!" You smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back just as tight and laughed. "Hey princess!" He smiled and you pulled away. His smiled faded and was replaced with a frown. "What happened to your face..?" He asked you softly. You frowned and tried a joke. "Am I that ugly?" You joked but his face got serious. "Y/N seriously. What happened?" You looked down and shrugged. "Some kid poked me in the eye." You stayed silent and slowly lifted your head. Harry was giving you one of those 'really bitch' looks. You bit your lip and he took your hand, pulling you to his car. You guys got inside and he turned to you. "What happened?" He asked you seriously. You looked down and played with your fingers. "Nothing." He was starting to get angry and you could tell. A tear fell down your face and soon you were sobbing up a storm. Harry's face softened and he hugged you the best he could in a car. He pulled back and wiped your tears. "I can help you, just tell me who it was!" He whisper yelled desperately. You sobbed once more as the words got stuck in your throat. "M-my mom a-a-and J-Jeff." His eyes went from sad to furious in a matter of two seconds. He pulled out his phone and I looked over. "What are you doing?" He tapped at his screen furiously. "Texting Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn." I looked at him confused. "And Zayn?" He looked over and me and rubbed my cheek. "He may not be in the band anymore, but he's still one of my best mates and always will be. Even if there's a lot of stuff going on and a lot of drama, I need his help. No matter what happens we'll always be brothers." You smiled at him and nodded. "And he adores you, of course he'll help me." You nodded and waited for the boys to show up. When they did the two of you got out of the car and the boys rushed to you. They all hugged you tightly asking if you were okay before walking to your door and knocking. Your step dad opened the door and the boys showed no mercy. Liam picked him up by his shirt collar and threw him into the yard. They all circled around him and what happened next is too graphic to describe. Let's just say I now live with Harry who had my 'parents' thrown in jail and is trending on Twitter with his other mates #savage1d.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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