First Preference

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Zayn (age: 13) You (age: 9) - He takes you into his art room. He let's you paint whatever you want and use your favorite brush. He keeps you in there for awhile and makes up excuses like, he needs to go to the bathroom, to check on your parents.

Louis (age: 11) You ( age: 5) - He takes you to the park to play football (soccer). He knows you hate it when your parents fight, and it usually ends in you crying, so he'll take you out for the day. He hopes that when you guys go home that evening, the fighting is done and over with.

Liam (age: 8) You (age: 1) - You don't really know what's going on at your age, but most of the fights happen in your room. You hate loud noises so the screaming makes you cry. If your parents start fighting in your room, Liam instantly runs in and picks you up, carrying you into his room. He'll play peek-a-boo and tickle you until your parents walk into the room to apologize.

Niall (age: 4) You (age: 6 months) - Since he's young, he doesn't know what to do. He'll sit next to your crib and tell you about his day. It'll work until the screaming frightens you. When you start crying, he gets mad. Not at you, but your parents because he hates to see his little sister cry. He'll march downstairs and scream at your parents to shut up, which usually makes them stop.

Harry (age: 16) You (age: 3) - Harry is very popular in his school, so if he's not hanging out with you, or working at the bakery, he's with friends. Most of the time he's out though, is when your parents fight. It got to the point where you had his number memorized. You would call him crying and he would barge in, telling your parents how ashamed they should be for fighting in front of you. They would apologize and he'd take you out for ice cream.

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