*TRIGGER* Bsm You Get Raped *WARNING*

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It happened so suddenly. One second I'm waiting for Harry, the next I'm shoved in a closet. I recognized  the guy, Zach, a close friend of Harry's. I thought he was playing a game so I laughed and tried to get out but he turned so serious. He gripped my arms and shoved me against the wall of the spacey closet. I was about to scream but he shoved a cloth in my mouth and held me down. Next thing I knew my shorts and underwear were off. He pushed himself into me and I cried out. Being a virgin made it even worse. He kept going harder, ignoring my pleas and the blood coming from in between my legs.

He finished and stood up. He told me if I told anyone he'd kill Harry and make him suffer. I cleaned myself up just in time for Harry to come out and take me home.

It's been two weeks since that happened and he's done it everyday these past two weeks, whenever he could. He was over right now and it made me slightly nervous. He was playing Xbox with Harry when he said he had to use the restroom. I knew that meant he was actually coming for me so I walked downstairs as he was coming up. He glared at me and pointed up the stairs and mouthed the words 'now'.

I decided I couldn't take this anymore as tears brimmed my eyes. I bolted down the stairs and right towards my brother.

"Harry!" I cried and fell into his arms. Zach came running downstairs and glared harder. Harry looked at Zach, then me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me hurriedly and rubbed my back. I told him everything Zach has done in these past weeks. As I finished he set me down and walked to Zach. Fists were flying, mostly Harry's and when everything was over Zach was thrown out, barely conscious.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he walked closer.

"He told me if I did he'd-"

"Sh." He told me as I started choking up. He held me and for once I felt safe. I had nightmares for a while but Harry was always there to protect me.

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