You Make Him Cry Sad Tears

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Louis ( age: 12 ) - "Louis never spends time with me though!" I argued with my mom. Let me fill you in. Louis is out with Lottie, Daisy, and Fizzy! Not that I care but he's been taking them out all week! Or he's been with El. "That's not true! He took you to Disney on Ice!" I groaned. "I was TEN MOM! TEN!" She frowned and 'oh'd'. I just got up and left. I walked downstairs to see them just getting home. "Hey y/n!" Lottie said happily. I smiled at her and sat on the couch. I can't be mad at her because it's not her fault! Fizzy and Daisy ran upstairs. Lottie went to the kitchen to get a drink and Louis sat next to me. He checked his watch and stood up. "LOTTIE!" She came running down the stairs. "Yes Lou?" She asked and he smiled. "The concert starts in four hours okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What concert?" I asked. Lottie smiled. "The Austin Mahone concert silly!" My jaw dropped. Lottie doesn't even like Austin! She's not even a mahomie. I closed my eyes tightly. "I hate you Louis." I said before walking upstairs and shutting my door. Of course I forgot to lock it and he walked in. I turned away. "Y/n I'm s-so so-orry. I don't even know what I did!" I turned around. I'm so enraged! "FUCK YOU LOUIS! YOU KNEW I LOVED AUSTIN MAHONE! LOTTIE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE HIM! I'M SO DONE! I SWEAR I'D BE BETTER OFF DEAD! NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME! I THOUGHT YOU DID BUT I WAS WRONG!" I let out all of my feelings. I started crying and Louis is crying harder then before. I never saw Louis cry. I feel so bad. "I'm so sorry y/n." Louis sobbed. I hugged him tightly. "D-don't cry Loulou!" He held onto me tightly. "How about I take you to the concert? Just you and me?" I smiled. "I'd like that."

Zayn ( age: 16 ) - I'm so excited to go out with Zayn today! Just us two! That doesn't happen very often. It's 11:30 and he's picking me up at 12:00. I waited and played on my phone. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:30! I played on my phone for three hours? Wait, Zayns not here? Where is he? I stayed on my couch until 10:45 until I finally got in the shower and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and got dressed. Then I walked downstairs and saw Zayn. "Hey (y/n)!" He smiled at me. I glared at him. "Woah! Did I do something?" He asked smiling. I growled. "If by 'do something' you mean leave me at home yesterday then yes." He looked at me. "Oh shit... I'm so sorry! Perrie and I-" "YOU DITCHED ME FOR PERRIE?" I yelled at him. "I mean if it was for work or something I wouldn't of cared but for Perrie? Thanks Zayn. Best fucking brother award goes to you." "(Y/n) I-" I scoffed. "Save it Zayn, I hate you!" I looked over and saw a tear fall from his eye. I just walked upstairs and ignored him all day.


So I made a short story! It's only 5 chapters long. You should check it out! 😘💁

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