DDM for Katie

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Katie' s p.o.v

Today me and my dad are going to the beach. I was wearing my new bikini with a messy bun and some shorts. I grabbed my new sandals and walked out to the car. I sat in the passenger seat and put on my shoes.

"You excited?" My dad asked me. "Yeah!" I squealed and he laughed. "We're gonna meet your aunts, uncle's, and cousins there." "I swear you guys planned for me to be the only girl!" He laughed. Anyways, let me tell you about my cousins. There's Michael Horan, uncle Nialls son, he is just like his dad. He has blue eyes and brown hair.

Then there's Brandon Malik, uncle Zayns son. He has dark brown, almost black, hair and blue eyes. Oh and uncle Louis' s son, Devin Tomlinson, he has brown hair and blue eyes like his dad. And last but not least Justin Styles. He is a spitting image of his father. Except he has blue eyes.

"We're here." My dad called. I got out and saw Justin. I squealed. "Justin!" He looked at me and smiled. "Katie!" I jumped into his arms and he spun me around while I was laughing. He put me down and we met up with the rest of the boys.

"Hey Katie, we're going to get some ice cream, want me to get you some?" Brandon asked. "Sure, I'll take a plain vanilla cone." I smiled and he smiled back. I kept walking when some guys walked by. They whisteled at me. I blushed and looked down. Then one came over to me.

"Hey pretty lady." "Hi." "What's a beautiful girl like you doin out here by yourself." Being shy I didn't answer. "Well..." He said. I looked at him. "M-my cousins are here, they went to get ice cream." "So you'd be alone for a while?" I shrugged. "Well then, I guess it wouldn't hurt to hang with us would it?" You started getting nervous. Then Michael came up behind you and put a protective arm around your waist.

"Stop flirting with my little cousin or-" but the kid cut him off. "Or else what?" He said forcefilly pulling me into him. Ok now I'm scared. I could see Michael could tell. "Let her go you're scaring her!" He tightened his grip around me. "No!" Then Brandon, Justin, and Devin showed up.

"What's going on?" Devin asked. I felt tears in my eyes. I looked at my cousins pleadingly. A tear escaped my eye. Then the guy who was holding called over his friends. This won't end well. Then my dad and uncles came over. Once the guys saw my dad and uncles, he dropped me and him and his friends ran away.

Michael came over and hugged me. "Never trust a flirt." Devin said making us laugh. "C'mon let's not let this ruin our family time." I said.

In the end we all had a good time, that guy all forgotten.

A/n I hope you liked it!!!

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