Head Above Water

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Camila's POV
*the next day*

The day Lauren arrived here is the day tears haven't stopped falling. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my girlfriend was so close, but emotionally far away. I just needed to talk to her. I had to I needed to know what happened and why she is in here.

This is all Dinah's fault.

The Polynesian has tried to make conversation with me, but I've just given her the silent treatment. I knew it ticked her off did I care? Obviously not. Normani and Ally have tried to talk to me as well,  but I just kept to myself.

Today seemed like a busy day in the institution. Which surprised me since we haven't had a busy day in awhile. I guess now with Mike absent professionals can put they're main priorities first again. Dinah hasn't come to see me yet which I'm quite thankful for. I didn't want to see her. I wanted to see Lauren.

My door opened and I groaned knowing I spoke to soon. I turned to see who walked through. In my surprise it was just Officer Lovato.

"Officer Lovato?", I questioned.

"Hello Camila.", she greeted.

"What are you doing in here? Is everything ok?", I asked.

"Everything is fine I was just told to tell you that Dr. Hansen will be arriving late since she has chemotherapy to attend to and must run a errands.", Officer Lovato informed.

I rolled my eyes "She take all the time she needs. I. Don't. Care."


"You're dismissed Officer Lovato.", I said sternly.

Officer Lovato sighed, but nonetheless  followed my command and left my room. I seriously did not need some stupid speech again. Especially if it regards to Dinah.

Dinah's POV

"Alright Dinah you're all set for today we'll see you again Thursday for your next chemotherapy session.", my doctor, Ale, said.

"Sure thing thank you sir.", I smiled.

"Of course.", he smiled back.

We waved goodbye to each other and I exited out of the building. Ok that's done time to see if Lauren is prepped.

I strolled to my car, unlocked it, hopped inside, roared the engine to life, and drove down the way too familiar path to the institution. The traffic wasn't to bad considering there was a small car crash. The sky looked beautiful with the groups of puffy clouds just floating by as the world spins. I've kinda forgotten what it's like to just enjoy nature since I never get a break from work. This was a nice moment, but I had a feeling it would be short lived.

I arrived at the institution and parked in my usual spot. Checking in with Ms. Grande and heading to the back to begin my work. I checked in from patient to patient. Camila was still silent with me when I walked in her room. Her behavior was really making me mad.

Then finally I arrived to her room. I took in a deep breath, exhaled, and stepped inside a room. Lauren was asleep; curled in a little ball to keep warm. I was glad she was asleep I've been needing to see her sleep. I studied her features. She looked normal and peaceful. She definitely didn't seem like the girl she is when she wakes up. Was I wrong about her?  Is she just really emotionally damaged?

I shook my head at those ridiculous thoughts. If she's anything like Mike that wouldn't be the case. Lauren stirred a bit and slowly shifted her position. Causing her chains to rattle loudly. Honestly, Lauren looked kinda cute when she was asleep. She's not Normani, who looked stunning when she was asleep, but with Lauren when she's not aggressive looked cute.

The Abused and The Hurt//Camren//(COMPLETED)#Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now